liz.lemonade: She is beyond good and evil.

My original theory for mutants was that the Snap is what causes mutations in the MCU; not everyone who disappeared gets mutated, but enough people are that society has to reform around it.

I’ve been listening to a podcast “You’re Wrong About” and they have recently done about 5 episodes re Diana. One of the hosts did a lot of research and according to her readings, Diana didn’t hook up with Hewitt til after Harry was born.

I don’t know about crimes, but Reddit has helped solve a few John/Jane Doe cases involving unidentified bodies.  

Children’s librarian working in the Bronx here: Rick Riordan is a saint. While James Patterson gets ghostwriters to do all his books and gives very little credit, Riordan’s “Rick Riordan Presents” is the inverse: rather than keep writing books about other mythologies and lore, he recruited authors who grew up with

“...where the same products (or similar) will be on sale and cheaper.” 

Thank you for highlighting how this law adversely impacted the black community. The GA Mask Law was temporarily suspended yesterday.

White guys run away from bison like this, but black guys run away from bison like THIIIIIS

As a Detroiter in this district, I’ll be watching this closely. I suppose that there can be virtual town halls done online and by telephone. If there are “in-person” debates, then they need to be handled without an audience like the recent Biden/Sanders debate. I hope (in vain) that this will be a political race free

Is it also worth noting in 2020 that her “apology” didn’t even include correct use of punctuation, and threw in a lowercase ‘i’ just for the too lazy / stupid to bother effect, etc.?

Because there are a lot of different kinds of coronavirus out there, mostly harmless to human.

And here I thought it was because DragCon turned out to be a giant catfishing scheme.  

The guy *was* full of shit and a horse’s ass, though.

Yep it’s the evil scheming party elites who put the nail in Sander’s coffin. Not the fact that his coalition didn’t understand a retweet is not a vote.

Breaking off ice can lead to structural damage.  I was told that the ice doesn’t absorb any of the impact - it just passes it through to the underlying plane, so it’s like beating the columns on your porch or gutter with a sledge. I have not experienced anything like this, but I did have a huge icicle tear off a

Yeah my first thought was, they should be happy as long as their house doesn’t literally fall down fro mall of that weight! Plenty of roofs cave in just from snow accumulation. That ice on there is super-heavy!

I’m definitely on the lazy side but I can’t understand how people don’t wash their hands every time after defecation. Public or private bathrooms. Fecal matter is a massive breeding ground for viruses and bacteria.

Jack Welch, former GE CEO, died today. He was long-rumored to have been ‘Tweety’ Matthews protector since the days when GE owned NBC/MSNBC. Wouldn’t be surprised that once they new Welch was gone, Tweety AND his bosses both immediately recognized NBC’s chance to kick his ass to the curb.

The number of guys at my work who don’t bother to wash their hands is disgusting. They are 100% they guys who brag about ‘getting paid to shit’. Damn it, guys, you’re also getting paid when you stop to wash your hands.

Both my parents work in a hospital. Medical professionals as well as regular non medical staff have to attend mandatory hand washing classes.  This should be implemented everywhere due to coronavirus going around.  I see people come out of the bathroom at my job and walk right past the sink I always use paper towels

PSA from the Gray: Wash your hands, people.