
Quark: I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this.

I still can’t get over how they just went “make him Gerry Adams”.

It took Jackie Chan for me to break down and read a second article in endless-scrolling Kinja.

Who wouldn’t want to see a photo of Marilyn Manson wearing a very revealing dress?

If I wanted to see Marilyn Manson in a revealing dress I’d rent the Seven Year Itch.

Why would you think I want to see a photo of Marilyn Manson wearing a very revealing dress?

the irony of a platform where women are regularly doxxed/harrassed suspending a sexual assault survivor for posting a phone number while she’s trying to speak out is......

So, she couldn’t just buy a gun and wait in a locked room with no windows? Seems pretty easy to solve to me.

Die Hard in a <blank> worked for action movies for a good 20 years.

Edge of Tomorrow is great.

Well this doesn’t sound sooo ba-

So, to update the Groundhog Day information chart:

Yeah, there was a whole thing about it that even prompted the Creator of the show to speak about it. The later seasons get a lot heavier with the gender fluidity themes and it made the fandom get pretty heated

I am going to fucking flag every single asshole who posts that goddamn copypasta.

It’s a fun show. However, I have no clue why people go to such lengths to make the shows jokes a reality. Like Rick always says, no one is special. Why would people think they are special because they like Rick and Morty?

I think they should’ve just jumped straight into a buddy show called “Heroes For Hire”.

“...Danny Rand/Iron Fist is supposed to be that useless?”

First gentrification and now Danny Rand. Please pray for Harlem.

C’mon, this is Marvel...they’re not shy about recasting superheroes. Please, tell me it’s not too late!

Does that mean we’ll be nostalgic for That 70's Show? Will we be nostalgic for 70s nostalgia?