
Does anyone have a transcript of what Dolt 45 said (well, as best as one can with such incoherent dribble)? I try and minimize my exposure to his actual words coming out of his actual mouth in real time, especially directly after lunch.

Trash human continues to say trash things. Got it.

To help with the embarrassingly low death toll Trump has vowed to repeal Obamacare immediately in Puerto Rico.

I actually laughed out loud at the end of his dance-off story. “And it was dope. The end. By Jason Mendoza.” His comic timing is impeccable.

There needs to be more discussion on THE JAZZ-SPLAINERS. Janet on drums, Vicky on the stupid triangle. They are all wet, daddy-o.

That’s been my assertion ever since the bad place twist came out: it’s actually purgatory.

Yes, it would be a very medium high.

We also saw a scene where it looked like Tahani was sitting in on the Ethics lessons?? (When Eleanor said she had to kick everyone out b/c of her “soul mate” who wrote her a 3hr spoken word jazz opera.) I wonder how that happened...

I’m just gonna say this because I’m sick of this new AVClub website looking ugly and stuff. This website is AVClub’s Bad Place. This comment section that isn’t Disqus? It’s the Bad Place. Take us back to before where it’s all bright and shiny.

I agree that’s the most likely scenario. Another possibility is that they’re all in purgatory. Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason are slowly, incrementally becoming better people, through all these reboots, and Chidi mentioned karma this episode. The concept of karma is tied into the idea that you can work off your

And there was some guy who predicted that they may be in The Bad Place here in the comments section last year! Man we AV-Club commenters are smart!

I said to my wife (who is from Florida) that his acting is great because it’s not hard to play an idiot, but to play a massive idiot so endearingly takes serious skills.

Memory restoration would be cool. I like learning more about the characters, but I would rather watch their relationships continue developing from where they ended up the first attempt, since I liked them.

It was me. I actually called a plot development. My life is complete!

I am not pleased that Eleanor and Tahani’s complicated, forked-up friendship seems to be a casualty of the reboot. Or that the possibility they could be soulmates was treated as a throwaway joke.

The golden rule in The Good Place writers’ room seems to be “Never put off until next episode, that which you can do this episode.”

I’m a little hesitant about throwing away a season’s worth of character development. I really enjoyed the ways the main 4 interacted/grew.

Well, if the mark of a good writer is that you can disagree with what they write but still enjoy reading them, Zack’s a damn good writer.

And he’s right about “something new”. This is the first Trek series where the protagonist is a psychopath, definitely a bold and unexpected move. Let’s see what the next few episodes

Look at that, someone is wrong on the internet.