
I think only protestants see it that way. 

Intelligible, not legible. He’s not writing it down; he’s speaking.

They’ve had a bunch of religious wars over that exact question (faith vs good works), I don’t think it’s as straightforward as all that.

You can believe whatever you like about the real world, but that was not the philosophy of the movie. 

One thing that really struck me was how much it’s a rejection of the usual ethos of post-apocalyptic storytelling. The whole dog-eat-dog/compassion is a fatal weakness that must be purged/strong rule the weak thing is turned on its head and shown to be perverse, stupid, and fundamentally inferior. Joe’s way of doing

I don’t like those scenes, but I think the problem isn’t that they are beating anyone over the head with feminism but that they think that is feminism.

Yeah, but the problem with that is Trump’s daughter doesn’t deserve as sympathetic and brave a stand-in as Splendid. 

I’m torn on this, because one of the things I liked about the original was how bright and colorful it was. 

It’s not a faceguard. It’s a muzzle, so protecting him wasn’t really the object. (as to the risks during filming, that sounds reasonable, but on the other hand, look at all the other crazy shit they got away with without killing or seriously maiming anyone.)

Your kid is awesome.

One of the most famously incredible things about the movie is how much of it isn’t CGI. There was some, but the action, the stuff that made it thrilling, was apparently stupidly real, I’m not even sure how they got away with it or managed it without killing a ton of stunt people.

This comment is great. I’m going to remember it. You’ve really hit the nail on the head here. 

Hell, I would settle for just yearly screenings of Fury Road on the big screen. 

It honestly felt like they took a look at all the action cinema of recent years and decided to take everyone back to school. Seeing fury road literally ruined me for all other action-y movies for like two years afterwards. All those weightless CGI extravaganzas that go wide and sprawling and feel like watching someone

The theater experience was definitely part of the joy of the film. I mean, not even just the big screen and the sheer awesomeness of the movie, but also the way the whole audience is equally captivated and reacting together. 

The only only quibble I have with this piece is that Furiosa doesn’t rescue the Wives - they’re all escaping together. It’s a subtle but important difference that I think just adds to the overall argument here. The point being, of course, that she’s just as much a prisoner of the system as they are. (As are the

I always thought method acting was just feeling what you’re supposed to be acting. Sort of an extension of what the audience goes through when they identify with a character, though perhaps more intense because you’re stuck in it longer and you’re performing the actions that go along with it, not passively watching.

Not even Armie Hammer, who I’ve had such a crush on since he showed up on Reaper, can make me watch a video review, AV Club.

I’m disappointed we don’t have a MacArthur gimmick account.

I’m a big fan of ridicule as well. That they are evil doesn’t mean they aren’t also ridiculous, and exposing them to mockery does a lot to kill any idea of them being suave or cool.