
One thing the kinjapocalypse has accomplished is that I get way more upvotes now. Because there are far fewer comments, I assume, and even fewer decent ones. Mediocrity triumphs! unfortunately.

....? What?

It’s not rocket science, you guys. The idea is not that Disney is “punished” by them not going to the screenings, it’s saying they won’t be the stick Disney uses to beat the LA Times. They implicitly benefit from having a competitor (of sorts) out of the running in something that rewards publishing as soon as

That is beyond next level.

I don’t doubt your sincerity, but I have trouble seeing it that way. I constantly get sucked in, and don’t think of them as actors reciting dialogue at all.

why is this a video? Why is this, even?

I’m familiar enough with yours to know that you’ve got a grudge against women writing on this site.

It reads as pretty angry to me, which is why I took it as outrage (delivered sardonically) over humor.

Fair enough! I maybe should have clarified that I meant that it fell into that category that the kinja overlords detest and have deliberately engineered against, which they term ‘off topic’

The AVC will never die, even as comments cease and are replaced by the personality-less kinja masses, as long as there are as delightfully off-topic comments as this.

She’s just doing her job. I don’t think she’s the one making these kind of decisions, just trying to make them work.


The thing this most reminds me of is some of those dumb novelty cards you see.

Okay, so let me say that I am a card-carrying feminist and I don’t usually mind the rabble rousing and feminist critiques and all of that, but seriously? Could we not leave this kind of crap to Jezebel? It’s such a reach, and just feels insultingly trivial a thing to try and gin up some outrage over. I read a column

Yes. The problem with the trolly problem - or any other such variation- is that it’s so artificially constrained...but most of all, that it also depends on you having perfect knowledge of the situation. Which is never, ever going to be the case.

Everyone who watched the returns on election night.

At least until the last quarter or so of the movie. Up until then, total gold though.

The x-files did it twice, I think probably every version of stargate did it, I’m just assuming that the simpsons did it, because they’ve done everything, Futurama ended with one, I’m pretty sure multiple versions of Star Trek have done it, Supernatural did it, Fringe did one of the most beautiful and profound ones,

Reading this review makes me think there could be some value in groundhog day as a horror comedy movie. If this movie had pretty much the plot as described here, but was done as a sort of low-budget slapstick horror, I’d watch it.

These were big when I was in middle school. I mostly remember them as ending badly- eventually it just became these huge source of anxiety.