
If you are going to feel bad for a prickly figure skater from the 90's, feel bad for Surya Bonaly. She got as much shit as Tanya and all she ever did was skate better than the men and be black.

I disagree.

While I never saw enough of those types of shows to notice the trend, I do remember a random Step by Step episode that was a black & white detective story for some reason.

Really proud of him for taking this all the way. What a champ.

I’ve been really impressed at how Terry Crews has continued to pursue this. I hope this helps other men who have been on the receiving end of sexual abuse.

Wow, they’ve been married 28 years (... he got married at 22!). That just seems so remarkable to me.

It’s just so much more convenient to do what you want to do, beg forgiveness afterwards, then shrug while saying “God made me a hopeless sinner, whaddya gonna do?” The smug sense of moral superiority that comes with it is just icing on the cake.  

I understand them. Faith can be faked.

Well, like the nuns taught me about the Holy Trinity, He can be three things

I will never understand “faith is more important than good deeds” Christians.

How could this butter sculpture of Ronald Reagan .... possibly reconcile that Christian, cornfed decency with his loyal, unflappable support of a twice-divorced, adulterous, pussy-grabbing New Yorker?

The first half was one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Can he make Baby into something other than DEFAULT PROTAGONIST? As someone who didn’t find the romance convincing in the slightest or Baby interesting outside of his driving, I don’t really plan on seeing the sequel. The action, the soundtrack, the editing were all great (and to be expected from Edgar Wright), but god

He was fantastic on Justified, as Art realized.

Interesting side note: in late 2015 our research staff noticed striking similarities between Tonya Harding and Hillary Clinton and recommended we incorporate them into our social media trolling to make Hillary unpalatable to American voters. We did end up using a few of those ideas, but I’m not convinced they were

Wakko: “Baloney is unstoppable!”
Yakko: “Call in the National Guard!”
Dot: “Or Tonya Harding’s bodyguard!”

No kidding. The motorcycle stunts (jumping over the real war rig, while in motion, and throwing actual molotov cocktails down onto it) and polecats were just insane.

The motorbike scenes were 100% practical, with some extra fire CGI’d in. There’s a great making-of short doc about the stunts that shows a bunch of them. I honestly can’t believe no one was seriously hurt making this film.

It’s my understanding that the Kinja switch was all from upstairs and had nothing to do with what anybody at AVC wanted.

Fury Road may be the most excellent film I’ve ever seen; excellent not just because of it’s imagination, it’s energy, it’s originality, but because it has access to the unutterable, because it can look inside a person and discover the unique essence of their humanity. To watch it is to have oneself taken apart,