
I actually rewatched this movie just last week. I saw it in theaters twice. When I first saw him, the Doof Warrior made me laugh out loud at the sheer absurd spectacle. I could not recommend this movie enough to my friends when it came out. And I had literally never seen any of the Mad Max movies before then. The

Funny that you mention the parallels to our unfortunate current political climate. In the week following the 2016 election, there were a few movies I turned to for solace. Fury Road was one of them. (Also, Hot Fuzz, V for Vendetta, The Cabin in the Woods, and the most recent version of Fright Night. I didn’t intend

Not sure anyone would have predicted that a new Mad Max film would be:

My daughter snuck a few minutes’ worth of a peek at the movie while we were watching it, and then whipped this out with her Duplos:

I loved Spy. Spy was what I wanted Girlbusters and Bridesmaids to be.

What makes Fury Road wonderful to me is that it’s one of the few movies that can be enjoyed by insufferable cinephiles and casual action fans at the same time. Those two circles on the old venn diagram don’t overlap too often.

Now playing

There’s a great bit of analysis on youTube called “How Mad Max L Fury Road Directed YOU!” It’s an excellent break down of why the action is so easy to follow, and makes sense.

I’m not a fan of either the genre or the franchise (seriously, I’ve seen Die Hard maybe once. I really am not an action movie fan), but Fury Road blew me away, and I came in as the biggest of skeptics.

Seems like more of an opportunity for A7X re-poster.

While I don’t share the adoration for Mad Max: Fury Road - it just didn’t do it for, sorry - I have to, once again, applaud the excellence of these retrospective reviews. They are, hands down, the best writing at the AV Club. I’m sad at the prospect of them coming to an end in two weeks.

I read every comment here. And I kept nodding my head and saying “yeah. YEAH!” as people talked about how they were transfixed by it, they saw it multiple times in the theatre, they bought it on bluray, and watched it again, how they felt and lived the experience of the movie, how it was so memorable and their heart

Jesus - PM me your address and I’ll courier my bluray to you.Whatever it takes!!!

I saw Fury Road opening night. Dismissing it as another one of those reboots (huge Road Warrior fan here), I hadn’t planned on seeing it, but the reviews were good and it was my birthday.

Fury Road stands alone among the remake and sequel crowds, as it relies almost none on its predecessors. Considering its the fourth movie of a nearly 35 year old movie franchise, that’s pretty cool.

Thank you for this. It mirrors a lot of my thoughts and love for this movie as well.

Great article! I think it’s also important to note that Fury Road is also one of the best movies of all time. And by that I mean a very specific thing: A lot of movies are great, but would be just as good on a decent sized TV at home. Fury road is different, it is a movie that works much much better as a movie - on a

I was not a fan of Mad Max movies coming into this, and it didn’t make me a fan of the others, but the movie is pure action adrenaline. The only knock I have on it is how tame it makes other car chases. The stuff they pulled off in this movie is incredible, and even seeing how the “Witness” moment of Morzov suiciding,

One of those “Jesus, you HAVE to see this in a theater with a great sound system” action flicks. Watching it onscreen is exhausting in all the right ways.

I’ve heard some skeptics complain that the movie’s just one long car chase.
To them I reply: so the fuck what?

Ah, 2015. The last good year before the universe began to crumble into shit.

Mad Max: Fury Road is one of the only films I went out of my way to buy a Blu-Ray of. I really enjoy it start to finish with only minor grievances with it (Mainly out of place for 3D theaters stuff like a wheel exploding towards the viewers.)