
Some of his endings are good. Some are really terrible, I’ll grant you.

I feel disqus was more the medium place. About the best we probably deserve, tbh.

Wait, wasn’t she told that she was hit by the shopping carts, and pushed in front of the ED truck?

But the art is so pretty! (at least in these preview pages). What a shame.

Thank you!

I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head there. I’d also probably toss in atheism as well. Not as in atheism itself, but more like those who get into Richard Dawkins rather than Ayn Rand. I’ve know a few people who fit your description who fell full tilt into that particular flavor of feeling superior and

The weirdest thing about that for me is that even the show constantly undercut the image of Water White, Badass. It wasn’t merely subtext or character development. They’d have him doing something that was meant to be all scary and badass, and then he’d end up looking ridiculous (I’m thinking in particular of that

The Moffat bashing was unreal. I had friends who fell for it - they didn’t participate, exactly, but they’d reblog stuff on tumblr alleging that Moffat had said this or done that and it was all completely made up. It was like Hillary memes and conservatives on FB. It was completely bonkers. I wanted to be like, “come

You are a god among men.

Wait, I missed whatever it was where they called us peons. Links? Or at least, spill! Inquiring minds want to know.

Like a lot of social media these days, the prefered mode is that users passively consume whatever content they scroll past, occasionally shouting opinions into the void that no one will ever see or respond to.

Any tips on how I’d go about setting up an RSS feed for the AVC?

I think we’re at a point where the romanticization of the rampage can’t sit as easily as it did.

I think they’re both kind of the same problem (the punisher and the “diseased hellhole” plot). They’re both SO rooted in that 70s/80s urban decay and upswing in violence (thanks, leaded gasoline!). They’re the manifestation of yesterday’s anxieties. They’re always going to seem somewhat off-kilter because they’re the

The sad thing is that I don’t think they are actually 15. There are too many people that went through that phase and never grew up.

If you don’t like AVCers, why are you even here and reading the comments? The community is part of the website. There are plenty of other sections of this godawful kinjaverse that might be more to your tastes you could go to instead of complaining about people complaining.

The Nazi’s what? And which nazi?

What it did achieve was a comment section that’s full of angry regulars, so paradoxically, I find myself sticking around because I missed that.

No it isn’t! (runs away crying, holding math stickers from school).