
Apropos of nothing, I’m amused by how much you can spot AVC folks by the types of user names / icons. I’d never really thought of them as distinctive, but there is kind of a type.

Me either. The AVC was one of my few remaining happy places on the internet, great for distractions from ...well, life. (Especially now). And where you could have actual conversations with people and back and forth and start to get to know them.

Urgh, Kinja is the WORST. I never thought I’d miss the disqus trolls.

Why are we even arguing with these trolls? Is this the AVClub or what? Shouldn’t we be drowning them in simpsons quotes and obscure in-jokes instead?

Also: the tolerability index forums! I like the old-school format better than disqus.

That may explain why they were being so bitchy about us complaining about kinja.

No love for the x-files? I mean, it’s the reason we’ve got the word “shipping”.

The idea that HP invented fandom seems to be taken as gospel truth by a lot of its fans. (Which is also why I think you get the idea in so many tumblr-esque spaces that fandom is something adults are muscling in on, rather than something that was historically run by adult women.)

You also can’t leave out the x-files when talking about modern (esp. online) fandom. Or things like Buffy, either, for that matter.

I keep popping back over there every once in awhile thinking it really can't have been as bad as I remember, but nope, it's always worse.

I keep popping back over there every once in awhile thinking it really can't have been as bad as I remember, but nope, it's always worse.

Have you checked out the TIF?

Have you checked out the TIF?

How did they fuck him over?

How did they fuck him over?

It is SO BAD. It is truly deserving of cancerAIDS

It is SO BAD. It is truly deserving of cancerAIDS

I really hate that burner option thing. I've got a legacy account (this is a random one I created for when disqus was misbehaving, not my real account) so while I did create a new Kinja account, having seen all the trouble people are having with the burners, maybe I should just attach it to a garbage google account?