
The only main difference I can see, are the insufferable adults who parade around a mediocre YA author as some bastion of literature.

Happy Potter was an easy read and concepts were not very deep. It had a bigger group of people that could access it. Much like how Dan Brown convinced millions they were reading a clever mystery with his Davinci Code, Harry Potter convinced millions of parents that they reading deep fantasy that their children were

Dear Katie,

To elaborate on that comment, among other things I was actually warned by the faculty at the University of Arizona that I would have to carry my passport or birth certificate with me at all times if I were to attend their program. Like, can you believe that a prestigious research University would have to send out that

Here’s my theory: We all died in some kind of mass extinction event or something a little while ago, and we’re basically just living the series finale of Lost but somehow incomparably worse. We’re all dead and experiencing a bewildering, terrible afterlife where the worst imaginable person is the president and he is

You want the best ratings of all time, you petty, pathetic orange cyst with teeth & hair? Go on national news & fucking resign. I’ll watch that.