
Awww. That's okay, we know it's not you're fault. I promise I'll only shun you when people are looking, @avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus

I kind of just imagine him as a showrunner for the MCU. But not the kind of show runner that has a carte blanche, more like the ones that are brought in by the producers to run a show they've created and want to hand off to someone.

Having read that, I think the problem is not that "bullying" is a word applied to too harmless things, but rather that it's been applied to too harmful things. Teasing about having the wrong kind of lunch box? Bullying. Running a student down in the parking lot with a car? Aggravated assault. Or less dramatic examples

I thought the Nazis were not fond of the slavs, and planned on exterminating most of them, with some kept on as helot-esque slaves, with the Germans playing the part of Spartans. With maybe the blonde slav babies sent off to German families. I know my grandfather's paternal relatives were all murdered for reasons

True enough, although I have heard of hostility towards the amish in areas where they are. Mostly along the lines of "they're xenophobic and mean and do weird things". So it goes.

I would have kind of guessed that most americans would mistake Roma as meaning "Romanian" or maybe "Italian". I guess this means I get to be disappointed in my fellow citizens for being slightly less ignorant than I assumed.

Age of sexual consent and age of majority are still often different; it might have been legal between consulting parties, but only one, technically, was an adult. The other was a minor.

I feel that social media flirting with a celebrity shouldn't count

Only southern Californians say "the 101". The rest of us say " 101"

Kind of more seriously, I kind of wonder if Marvel had the rights to all those characters, if we'd have any of these movies. Not having the a-list characters meant they actually had to bring something more to the table than name recognition. They had to be a little bolder.

Actually, I bet you that would be pretty entertaining.

I don't think he can say anything without it sounding sarcastic.

I did wonder at the good guys thinking that aerial battles and exploding helicarriers was a good idea over a heavily populated area. Especially a heavily populated area that is Washington DC. I also wondered why the entirety of the US military weren't throwing fits over the fact that SHIELD was holding an aerial

Not to mention his disillusionment with the military-industrial complex. I wouldn't have minded if they'd gotten rid of the CGI slugfest at the end and replaced it with a more corporate confrontation scene.

The other thing I like about the marvel movies is that they're actually pretty positive and upbeat. Movies that go all deconstructionist tend to get mired in being grim and gritty and incidentally seem to have some pretty abhorrent implications (oh, like in undermining the idea of lines that you don't cross and things

I think Eisenberg has surpassed Cera.

I don't think it had air tanks or was space worthy. Air tight, I can buy, at least relatively so, but he does basically fly through into space and then the whole suit just dies.

I remember seeing a little of that. (in regard to the avengers) In these comments, in a bunch of bewildering reviews elsewhere. It's depressing how wrong people can be. But yeah, I certainly saw enough of "urgh, she's only there for sex appeal" or "oh, token woman" comments, which were frankly mind-boggling

I didn't like her in Iron Man 2 originally. I liked her better in that movie, retrospectively, after seeing the Avengers, because I could imagine her as a character with her own stuff going on. But originally, her character in Iron Man 2 was a sour note for me, because it seemed to be nothing more than the usual one

i don't think I would have minded if Sunshine Days had been the end of the show. In a way, for me, it kind of was, since I had little to no investment in all the mytharc stuff the actual last episode tried to wrap up.