Dr Livingstone

I miss TV club classic. Alasdair's heroic reviewing spree to finish off Farscape reminded me how much I loved the feature.

I prefer the TI but I think it should probably move off proboards (if only so it can scale up a bit)

In my experience, the most important part of being able to keep up conversations in commenting/forums:

Harsh, man.

I manage a community for my company. The community product itself has some pretty major flaws. I know many of them are probably never going to be fixed because they won't move the needle on any of the company goals and hey, the product is good enough for what it exists for. (though tbh I am eternally grateful that I'm

I've got the same question. I don't have a "real" disqus profile because I didn't want to have to become Dr.Livingstone#395 (and because I hate disqus)

I was in 8th grade when it came out. I saw it once with my mom, and then went back and saw it with my friends a few weeks later. And then I saw it a third time with my whole family in April. (That was the most excruciating viewing. The movie is damn long.)

Yeah. I'm now kind of wondering if it was maybe a panic attack? My sister could get like that when she was having one. On the one hand, that would make a lot of sense. On the other hand, I would feel awful for my response if that was the case.

The thing is, this is just so random? I mean, he HUNG UP ON ME.

I'm trying not to be a crazy person here, but: the dude I've been seeing with whom things have been official for about a month just got really weird and I don't know what my reaction should be, or what the heck just happened.

really? Not my experience. I guess it depends on "where in the sierras"

Pretty much.

More conservative, but not necessarily extremely so. The central coast isn't exactly densely populated, but neither is it uber conservative. Ditto the Sierras.

Jesus. I mean, you know slavery was an abomination and cruelty layered on cruelty, but sometimes you just get knocked sideways by some little detail that brings that all back home again. (The same with genocide. It's like you know it, you know what happened, and yet you're reading some little thing and suddenly the

I know the point of alternate histories are about things other than history, but I find it harder to imagine the US creating a different country out of the defeated states rather than just doing basically the same but keeping them as states (especially since those would have helped preserve a Republican majority in

I think I tried to read that book. It was an ebook at the public library. I got about ten pages in and gave up, and let me tell you, that's significant.

I was just thinking that it's nice to have presidents where you can think to yourself, "hey, he probably didn't rape anyone!" like you can with Obama and Bush Sr and maybe Bush Jr. (Bush Jr was a frat boy, though, right? So I'm putting him in the "maybe" column there).

Sort of a random tangent: are there any skeletons in Sr.'s closet that we know about? I realized I can't think of anything to really fault him for as a human being, at least on the scale of, you know, Trump.

Yup. I don't know if he actually would have ever voted for the thing - he might have, pending a strong enough reassurance from Paul Ryan - but I'm pretty sure that if he'd intended to vote no along, he still probably would have vote for the MTP in order to make it more dramatic.

Yeah, she's a stone cold badass. I mean, hell, she won a *write-in* campaign after getting primaried. I am really surprised they thought strong arm tactics would work.