Dr Livingstone

you are very right. The worst thing about the later bits of fringe was that they dropped the theme of olivia reasserting her agency in the face of people trying to deny her agency.

That would have been perfect. (I’m watching it now, and I can’t quite shake how much it’s haunted by the 80s). 

Victoriocity is brilliant, and I’m glad to see it here. It’s one of those delights where they lay absurdity on absurdity but somehow manage to play it with a straight face until you just hit a moment when the entire towering edifice of absurdity suddenly strikes you and you just die laughing. Without ever losing the

My favorite way to describe Other Bothers to friends I’m trying to talk into listening to it is that it’s about three random fantasy future people- a PR flunkie, a file clerk, and a cafeteria lady - get sucked back in time and told it’s up to them to save the world, except contrary to usual genre convention, they

I mean, she did try to make a move on simulated-Simone. And Simone seemed cool with it. So maybe there’s a solution there. 

Wolf 359 is/was fantastic. Arden, which is co-created by Todd Vanderwerff, just started this year and just had their season finale and it was pretty great. 

I so agree. 

Not meaning to point the finger particularly at the avclub, it’s just something that this article reminded me of, which is how frequently the fiction side of podcasting is forgotten or treated like some weird new trend just now coming on the scene, when there have just been a metric ton of audio dramas just killing it

it’s because they were using Millenial to mean “young whippersnappers” for too long, so they keep moving the start date up. But originally it was, people who came of age around the year 2000, so yeah, pretty much all 80s babies.

I don’t think so, but I don’t want to be disabused of the notion. She kept a vacation house in the town I lived in during the great recession, and she’d eat at the restaurant I worked at occasionally. I never was there those nights, but my coworkers said she was a good tipper and all around decent and not stuck up or

seriously. Though I liked the bits between Kristin Bell and Tituss Burgess. Though maybe that was just that it was the few seconds that actually approached humor rather than just being kind of painful. I’m not sure how you put so much talent on one stage and manage to make it feel as stilted and awkward as a skit put

I always really liked “Rewrite” but after listening to the album a few times, it’s funny how much the whole experience of it grew on me. 

Yes, that does seem a bit self-own ish. “I don’t care about your opinion! I’m just going to spend a bunch of time arguing about how your opinion is bad.” Kinja people are the WORST. 

I was in high school when I saw this movie, so take this with a grain of salt: but I liked it in the same way as Sleepy Hollow. 

Seriously. It kills me that there's such amazing material that that could have pulled from, and instead we get.... This.

The company that did that doesn’t exist any more, it was sold off for parts, and bought by a company which sometime later also bought the AVClub and bundled them together. 

That seems simple, but bakeries and etc refuse to make/create things with obscene or offensive messages all the time. I don’t really want to see a Jewish baker forced to make one a pro-holocaust cake for some alt-right assholes. The reason I don’t blame the court for punting on this one at all is that it’s really hard

This really illustrates the importance of local journalism; this has been going on for decades, but the tide really started to turn following some local reporting by the papers and news stations in Nevada especially. The stories (mostly investigating April Parks) started building on each other over the last few years,

I haven’t caught up to this far in iZombie yet, but I had to do a double take at image because another thing Ravi is apparently the best at is smoldering looks and rocking whatever that outfit is. I may need a cold shower, damn.

You are intellectually dishonest and incredibly disingenuous. Stooping to their level, as you call it, would require me to create groups dedicated to hunting them down and torturing them, or eradicating them from the earth, or putting them into rape camps. Since the worst anyone here has done is callout the enormity