Dr Livingstone

I don’t hate the intros of the 4 Horsemen(?) so far, but I feel they could definitely benefit by being updated. Or even just sharpened. Make War a UN Secretary General. Famine can be a social media influencer who started by making pro-ana websites mainstream and is now flogging a nutrient-free version of Soylent

This episode was a perfect highlight of what makes the book great, and of what drags it down. Any time Aziraphaeal or Crowley are on screen/page it’s amazing; when they aren’t, it drags.

Giving the book its texture and not translating well to the screen are not mutually exclusive things. I agree with the reviewer. As much as I’ve enjoyed this adaptation, its problems seem to all stem from a writer that’s too fond of his book to rework it properly for the screen and too famous to be made to do it.

I think the biggest problem is that Anathema and all of the witch stuff feels like it was written separately from everything involving Az and Crowley. The show doesn’t rectify this, its almost like someone had a short story about and angel and a demon, handed the writting off to someone else to turn into a book, but

I think the audience for this show is somewhat unevenly divided between “people who were curious what a successful adaption of Good Omens to the screen might look like” and “people who really wanted Neil Gaiman to come over and read the book to them” and there’s going to be close to zero agreement between the two

I like the tone of the book just fine—I’m one of the biggest Terry Pratchett fans you’re likely to meet, and I think Gaiman’s sections do a decent job of matching Sir Pterry’s voice. But it is, structurally, a complete and utter mess, a series of incidents and digressions that just sort of happen with no rhyme or

“I have figured out a way to make my debilitating emotional fragility sound like a superpower. Most of my friends have.”

I watched the footage: turns out it was all a dream Bob Newhart was having

Maybe you missed this part: How is “shitting on the sidewalks” better than “shitting in a decent toilet”? Seriously.

We need to start building our guillotines

It’s crazy to me that instead of using that money to help homeless people you rather fight against them.

Yup, that is a big reason the Bay Area is in this mess. We stopped tearing down farmland and wilderness areas to build tract homes in the 1990s, which means it has pretty much been all infill for growth for 20 years. But getting people who own homes and have watched them balloon in value to support dense housing is a

Just so I understand, you believe building a homeless shelter will somehow exacerbate traffic on the Bay Bridge? Because... why again?

I cannot speak to other parts of SF, but this specific part would not be changed at all if this happened. Anyone who lives within a few blocks is 10 floors up, and would not have a yard or other actual, physical territory that would be trespassed on. And its so far away from everything else, unless those homeless are

You guys are missing the point. They’re trying to #disrupthomelessness. By giving $100,000 to a law firm, that’s at least a few weeks that the lawyers are not out on the streets.

There many similar fights happening elsewhere in the bay area as well. In San Jose, plans for affordable housing for public school teachers are also blocked. There were plans to use/re-purpose/remodeled closed schools or soon to be closed school (demographic shifts) for housing in the hopes of keeping public school

San Francisco is probably the most fucked city in the country right now.

These people are kinda stupid, would they rather have a shelter and get people off the streets, or have the homeless actually on the streets pooping outside their homes, and  more desperate than ever?

I haven’t been to SF that much but when I go I usually stay around the Union Square area. And it was pretty much homeless people everywhere. What’s the downside to providing a place where all those homeless people, WHO ARE ALREADY THERE, can get services and cleaned up? 
