Dr Livingstone

I'm also a sucker for TV shows doing the flipside of x-files. Haven was delightful for the way it also basically was like the small town with a secret's version of an x-files episode, with everyone in on it and the local law enforcement trying to stymie outside investigators.

That sounds about right. I didn't like it. It's got its fans though, mostly people who didn't like original flavor stargate, at least generally speaking.

If it's not supposed to be related to the show, why the heck are they calling it "stargate command'

So now she won't just be staring at it saying, "work, damn you" for ten episodes. instead, she'll be saying "work, damn you" while looking sad.

i really liked that aspect too. I've always been a sucker for "secret sci-fi/fantasy stuff happening in the real world" concept.

The great thing about Stargate is you really don't have to watch it all or in any particular order. I mean, it did have a vague overarching story and developments, but the thing was just so episodic that pretty much everything functions on its own. And yes, it is silly. It's just a show that's there to have a good

The show did go downhill, but damnit, they gave Ben Browder and Claudia Black jobs and kept them on my TV and so that's okay in my book.

It did its level best to tell SG-1/A fans to fuck off though. I mean, the writers even went out and said it. (And there was that whole embarrassing thing where they went after Mo Ryan). You can't really blame them for not sticking around.

Yeah that was kind of my reaction too. They're going to…spend a lot of time staring at the stargate and going "I wonder if this thing does anything?"

I hated SGU. It got rid of all the things Stargate was actually good at (light-hearted humor, tongue-in-cheek, simple adventure fare, actors with enough chemistry and charm that made up for the serious deficits in the writing and direction) but kept all of Stargate's weaknesses (bad writing, wooden dialogue, paper

Urgh. I was kind of excited, but then the photo of Universe reminded me why I stopped liking Stargate. (And that's saying something, considering SG:A). Also: so is this or is this not part of the tv Stargate series? Because I'm kinda getting mixed signals here. Stargate Command definitely sounds TV series-ish. The

Marvel's is pretty massive. A huge percentage of much anything they've ever done is there, with even new stuff showing up (well, with a six month lag). It's like 75$ a year or something

The running theory I've seen is that he's got it confused with life insurance

So how does Amazon's one work? I'm mostly familiar with Marvel's own service.

He's in more of it than you would expect.

I generally assumed it would mean less additional trauma for Crichton et al. Season 1 was dark, as was season 2, but season 3 was freaking sadistic.

I feel exactly the same way

I just looked up the trailer: yeah, wow, that is…not the Dark Tower. Except Idris Elba as Roland. He is perfect beyond perfect. I never really imagined Roland, but now I don't think I'll be able to imagine anyone else. He's just…so… words fail me. He's just *right* in a way I can't define.

So they intended to make it lighter and fun and then kill Crichton off? That's…okay, actually that sounds about right for Farscape

I can see all of the PK wars flaws. But on the other hand, as someone who came really late to the show (marathoned it back in 2008!) my perception was fundamentally shaped by the fact that I thought farscape ended with season 4. And then! I discovered there was MORE FARSCAPE. So while flawed, I didn't really have any