Dr Livingstone

I am so glad you were able to finish this. If only because I've never really managed to do a full rewatch - midway through season 3 always gets me, and I just wear out- but your reviews really let me process so many of the amazing things this show had to say, and to understand what made it so great.

That explains why she had the affair, but it still just came across as such a non-sequitur as to be whiplash. To me, anyway. The scene did not give me the vibe of "thrillseeking"

#2 is the better movie, but this may be the better spider-man is how I'd put it.

I don't think this is a film that can be spoiled, and the example I want to give really doesn't count, but I wanted to put a little disclaimer here that I'm going to mention a small scene in the movie that perfectly typifies what didn't work for me.

I'd say more boring than gripping, but that's me. The plot was full of non-sequiturs.

I probably would have enjoyed it more if it'd stuck to something more along the lines of the ending to the Russian story.

I didn't like this film very much. I mean, I could see what it was going for, and I know the stripped down storytelling was part of the aesthetic, but so so many of the things the characters did seemed bizarre and random. (Including the ending. Like, seriously? Even considering class relations, it was absurd.

And yet that's such a big assumption to make that if there were a simple way to resolve it philosophers would have way less to argue over.

Seriously. It's one thing to…maybe not be as vigorous in pursuing things that are mostly small potatoes. Before we even get into the enormity of what we're actually facing, I think about Chaffetz and the kimono comment. I could have lived with oh, playing down some vaguely shady tax information, but to just be like,

Depends on what it is. Within a materialist framework, sure. But we're not talking about materialism.

Those don't exactly seem to be exactly representative examples though. Not on the scale of being able to criticize someone for being a Catholic and taking the piss out of Goop.

yeah, exactly. Plus, even if you did decide to say it, the to whom and just general context matters. We talk about a lot of stuff that doesn't matter precisely because it doesn't matter. I mean, look at this website.

Like what?

We're talking about today. There was a time when science, philosophy, and religion were not separate fields, but they clearly are today. (And frankly, people often make materialist statements about religion too, so all we're showing there is that people aren't particularly strictly disciplined when it comes to these

I kinda get it: It seems pretty common to hear about famous older dudes marrying someone half their age and four times as gorgeous.

I sometimes think the issue is that we tend to forget that we can have an opinion without thinking that opinion should count for something. Like, you can think that it sounds like getting remarried too soon without thinking that your opinion matters or that you're in a position to dictate what other people should be

Who did? "You guys" ? Who is that? You're also changing the subject- you alleged that there'd be no concern about a democrat colluding with the a hostile foreign power Iranians to sway an election. No one said anything about risk assessment about the dangers of foreign powers.

I don't think so. One makes statements about metaphysics, the other about physics. That's not an insignificant distinction.

Yeah. There's a bit of vagueness around the word cult, but especially in ancient history, it's used predominantly to refer to mystery cults, e.g. secret beliefs that are only available as adherents progress up through it.

No. It's the big faith/works divide.