Dr Livingstone

I don't know, I think the military would be thinking: "super soldiers". Or even battle medicine. I mean, think about it: soldiers who are basically seriously wounded could be infected with zombie-ism to save their lives. And the military's got a lot of money into finding a cure. Think of how much money they pour into

Me too

I would have no idea people hated this word but for pop culture. I really don't get it though.

Urgh, yes, I hated that too. I know a lot of people will defend that scene to the death, but to me it was so typically "Women are crazy, they just DO things"

I love Peggy Carter as a character, and was a huge fan of the TV show, but her role in Captain America kind of frustrated me, because she literally has no real impact on the plot. You could take her out of the whole movie without affecting the plot. (The closest is that she helps arrange a plane so he an parachute in

I've also got my own domain and email, but though I know i should switch to POP I just can't do it. I am hooked on IMAP. For the convenience factor. Argh.

Yeah, that whole thing basically gave me whiplash. I mean, forget even the hookup, there was all that pining and sadness over Major getting amnesia, most of which centered on forgetting Liv and losing that connection, and then there was the big rush to grab the cure so they could be together, and then it was like

God, I loved Enlisted. For many reasons, but he was one. Still sad that show was canceled.

I hope so, because Major as a zombie is great.

I think the GOP leadership's strategy for keeping people from defecting basically boils down to momentum. Pass it quickly enough, and then threaten recalcitrant members with "you don't want to be the one who says no when everyone else says yes, it's going to happen, it's already happened, so sit down, shut up, and do

But what they argue is that the timing and existence of the holiday is because it was an appropriation of a (rather poorly attested) goddess' holiday. Which is what makes little sense. ( It's an interesting topic so I'm going to go down the rabbit hole here, away from my main point. To look at the traditions is tricky

Yeah, I get what you're going for, but basically your options are: no gravity (because that's what makes the earth round) or "something smushed the earth, and then the earth smushes back"

I'm really confused now. I was complaining about some idiots I know who think "Easter = EOSTRE!!!!" represents some mic-drop revelation that easter was originally a pagan holiday that Christians are appropriating.

Wasn't there some prestigious literary prize winning awful book called Bear about a woman who has sex with a bear? I think I remember a discussion of that book on this very site.

I did read somewhere that she argued against it, something about how her character could have crawled through the window?

I'm still kind of rooting for the Bobby & Rufus Grumpy Old Hunters show.

That didn't get me as much, because they were antagonists for the most part, but the hate for Jo and Ellen or any non-antagonistic female character..yeah, that was insane.

Which claim?

There's a line in The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome by Catharine Edwards that's perfect, and it's something like: if you ever catch yourself recognizing something in Ancient Roman culture and finding it familiar, stop what you're doing. If it doesn't seem bizarre, you are projecting your own preconceptions on

I both like and hate the term 'science fantasy, but it does work pretty well to describe something where the story telling mechanics are pure fantasy even if the aesthetic is meant to be science fiction.