Dr Livingstone

Is he? I thought his family were scientologists or something

Dude, give it up. Just admit you were wrong and move on, rather than trying to torturously redefine everything.

I don't think anyone has argued that. They've argued that the Christian holiday is appropriating a pagan one, ignoring the fact that the Christian holiday is explicitly linked to a Jewish one.

My knowledge of polytheism is mostly limited to the classical world, but let me tell you, at least within the realm of my studies, polytheism and major goddesses does not make for less patriarchal religions. Roman religion (especially in the early Republic) was dominated by the capitoline triad if Juno, Jupiter, and

I had wondered why people were becoming obsessive over how bad this movie was. From my non-spoiled understanding of the plot, it sounded like typical dreck. This is really something else by the sound of it.

Ah yes, of course. How silly of me to forget that the fantasy elements of Doctor Who started in 2010.

Exactly. Sexuality and how it is defined is weird, mutable, and often unintelligible to those used to a different construct.

No one in Rome was "straight" because the Romans had a completely different conception of how sexuality worked. Straight/gay are meaningless terms in the context of the classical world. So arguing about what the Romans would have thought about homosexuality is deeply pointless, as is using it as a point of critique of

Well, celestial/seasonal. Honestly though, human beings like parties and celebrations. There are going to be a ton going on at any point on the calendar, there's going to be at least a few at any given point that sync up to around the same times and may be tangentially thematically linked (esp. in regards to the

This is one of my biggest pet peeves when people occasionally go off on how Easter is really a pagan holiday appropriated by christianity because look at the dates and the word, like that's some mic drop argument. Blerg. Except if anyone should be complaining, it's the Jews, because as you say, easter was linked to

There's an important distinction here. But let's be honest- indoctrination at a young age happens with everything. That's the very essence of childhood. You're indoctrinated into your culture, you're indoctrinated into your politics, you're indoctrinated into a lot of different beliefs about the world without there

Christianity isn't a cult. There may be christian cults, but let's not fall off the relativism cliff here. What makes scientology bad is pretty specific and can't be summarized as "religion bad lol bye". It's like equating paid labor with slavery.

I did not think they could find a worse thing than disqus. PROVEN WRONG AGAIN.


Nah, he was convicted. But I think it was of a lesser charge, so maybe the allegedly is used to cover the stronger language.

I suspect it's loyalty to tax cuts.

I like horror that's mixed with humor and fun. There was a lot in the Mummy that was genuinely scary, and it definitely had the pathos with its monsters - for all that Imhotep is the bad guy, he's also a fairly tragic figure, and his actions are driven by the curse, so in one way he's still just getting the short end

He'd have been amazing as Dr Strange

Was it in the Mummy or the Mummy Returns that there's a completely tongue in cheek line about "it is written"? I loved that bit of sly self-awareness that never tripped too far into deflating the fun.