
Hilly city commutes makes it sound like San Francisco but he’s in Omaha, why would you want a tiny Fiat in Omaha. Please give us a poll to vote on writer submissions so we can flip a coin between the Caddy or the Miata. 

Yep, you’re right. I was on a work break and in my haste kinda spoke out of my ass. In the end they are still trying to burn as much fuel as possible to maximize power and since they are just doing a quick run the straight forward solution is to just dump it. Controlling liquid flow is way harder to do accurately than

Read dcp’s reply to my comment. What I said was rushed and I had inaccuracies. He does a pretty decent breakdown. My overall point about those big soot chimneys actually being pretty powerful (at least in some cases) still holds however. 

To some extent the soot does indicate power in a modified engine. Basically the engine is running super rich to avoid pre-detonation because of how much boost there is. I don’t actually know how the rolling coal mods work and what they do in terms of power but if you look at something in a tractor pull event, those

I will totally concede that point. From what I’ve heard they at least have the best one in the game. 

I feel like the bug eye wagons of all the WRXes got flogged the least and this one looks stock in the engine so it probably got a normal treatment. But there are just too many miles regardless. Head gasket is a very real possibility as is a burnt out valve (driver side rear cylinder if I’m not mistaken). If you’re

I mean yea if someone builds it there will be a smile on my face, but we might be trying to “make fetch happen” over here. 

And a first down. You gotta let them go again. Thems the rules

Yea it did look like the brakes underperformed there. Now should they have presence of mind to not turn into the vehicle? Yea probably, idk. I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt that it wasn’t intentional, maybe just boneheaded. 

It’s hard to say one way or another without transparency in how they actually dealt with the situation. My immediate reaction would be to start unplugging things so it does not spread which would bring other aspects of the operation to a halt. 

Honestly, don’t give these idiots the attention

I think a manual EV would have a weird feel. When you cut power the motors de-spin very quickly so the car will either need real active rev matching or a flywheel implemented. Flywheel seems inefficient and possibly hard to implement depending on layout and the rev matching kind of takes the fun out of having three

ICE is still inefficient, my point is its efficiency goes up because it is able to provide steady state input.

Every car drops efficiency due to air resistance but ICE does great because they can cruise at low rpm. And that’s the thing, you don’t need that much torque at the higher speeds because you are no longer accelerating, you just need to maintain speed. So you can sacrifice some of that force production at the wheel by

The profile thing seems pretty trivial to implement but it’s not that I want to feel shift points, it’s that I these cars legit need like an overdrive gear. They are all set up for bonkers acceleration and then their efficiency plummets on the highway. 

Much as I love the manuals I don’t think they make sense on an electric vehicle. The car would have to do so much rev matching on shifts it won’t even feel like you are the one changing gears. 

I’m an income bracket or two away from being covered by Porsche but I get what you mean

Am I the only one hoping we actually introduce 2 or 3sp transmissions to EVs?

Before I need to. I don’t know if this is still a thing on modern cars but I was told driving around with an empty tank can burn out the fuel pump because the gas itself is used as a coolant. 

I wouldn’t call them a car community. While I think they are cool cars and an important milestone in our society most of the owners seem to enjoy it for being a trendy appliance than anything else.