
Yea you right, fuck the guy that had to be in school for ever, probably leaving with a ton of student debt, then was worked to the bone in residency who now works to save children’s lives. How dare he end up being successful. Surely an extra 30 grand is meaningless to him as he supports a newer technology as an early

Still waiting on one that has been built right I guess. I’ve come to terms that the manual is dead but normal autos have gotten so good what is the point of the CVT. Of the few I’ve driven they were pretty terrible in their responsiveness. 

If this truck were listed on World Wide Vintage Autos it would probably be going for 30k or more. Whether or not it’s worth it to you individually varies significantly but this is a very nice price. 

I’m in Denver myself so you can see why I have such a harsh opinion of people with tuned cars. Hell, I was one of those ECU flashed Subaru douches once although mine was immaculately taken care of

Trust me man you don’t have to sell me on opening up the throttle occasionally but there are ride them hard put away wet types out there that really beat up their cars for no good reason 

You do have a point there, if this was a WRX it would be a huge red flag statistically (stereotypically) speaking. Less so for a Jag probably. 

The Venn diagram of people that make these mods and people that drive their cars hard is almost a circle. They are mods I would like on my car if they were done by me, too weary about the car being mistreated by the last owner. 

While I don’t entirely disagree with you I’m real tired of business practices being defended “because jobs.” More and more things tend to exist for the sake of existing. Dealerships, specifically new car lots could easily operate more like an FFL. Service bay, showroom, and putting ink on a contract, no need to spend

I was gonna say wish Subaru would give a fudge. These are STI specs that they haven’t improved since like 2003 and have been selling for at least 10k more. 

Please give us a poll to vote on these four reasonable writer submissions. Speaking of four, what about a 4runner?

But instead of paying 30 over sticker to get it sooner they could wait a little and buy a second base model one. That way they do even more for the new car market as well as contributing a very desirable cheaper option for the used market that will take that base model and enjoy the hell out of it

False, took my dad to pick up his car and saw I believe an M8 in that color scheme in the showroom. 

If you take off the black trim your eyes will no longer play tricks on you and you will see the true dimensions of this thing and it will not be as pretty. I was surprised when the article said it’s not an EV because those proportions seem forced by a need to stuff batteries into the floor. Perhaps it will share a

I had the same first impression about hitting heads but estimating the location of the head rests based off where the wheel well is the roof there is still basically windshield level. They are also hiding the true dimensions of the car with that two tone coloration. It’s intended to look low profile but in reality

Have those strangers pay you for your banana art and you too can have a beautiful Maserati along with a stable of Camrys/Camries/Camrii for when you need them

It’s not my cup of tea but I totally agree with you. It’s an elegant looking car that distinguishes itself from other more boring offerings. Haven’t driven one personally but keep hearing good things. Can’t deal with depreciation or maintenance then don’t get one, it’s not for you.

You’re too poor to get it. You probably wouldn’t pay 100k to have a banana duct taped to your wall and I bet you owe no more than 0-1 pieces of that brown LV luggage. It’s just another way to show your wealth by displaying how much depreciation you can afford to not care about.

Older Imprezas, Foresters or Crosstreks? Have Crosstreks been around more than 4 years?

Same same but different.

It’s already how it is so we shouldn’t do anything about it is a terrible mindset. There are plenty of new neighborhoods being built and old ones being redeveloped, we can start there. Existing development can be over time turned into something better too. Something about men planting trees whos shade they will never