So which is it? Are they being forced by a lack of choice to work there or not?
So which is it? Are they being forced by a lack of choice to work there or not?
Panda would’ve swung at it. Vlad would’ve hit it.
“I don’t want to go in and tell my pitchers, ‘Just throw it and hit him in the back,’...
“Yankees are a bunch of douchebags” - sing it to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme’s fun!
Damn it, Raphael, you are a major symbol of the steroid era. Please stay away from baseball!
Being ensconced in a protective shell is a perfect metaphor for the Yankees’ premium ticket policies.
Then again, is it really all that weird when it’s the Mariners?
Thanks for your input, Randy.
They can do whatever they want, and we can call them out for being assholes whenever we want. America is great!
You’re right: one fuck-up totally invalidates years of output from the dozens of other people who worked on the site and had nothing to do with that unfortunate article.
Speak for yourself. I can’t enjoy this NBA season until I’m told which quote from Spotlight best describes each team.
It’ll also bring in a bunch of people from Grantland.
I liked Grantland and am looking forward to seeing what Simmons does with The Ringer. Say what you want about the guy’s own writing, but he hires good writers and lets them write good stuff without over-managing them. That’s something to celebrate.
I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence. I think there isn’t enough of that anymore (everything is always strident and polarized) but you did a great job sitting with the murkiness of what this all means about Bowie’s legacy.
But why can’t Taylor stand up for herself? I’m sure if it was one of us we would’ve done the same thing up on that stage and maybe not as nicely either.
“Yeezus, can you just give it a west already” said Taylor, swiftly.
C’mon. You know it was much worse then with all the chromium foil hologram polybagged bullshit.
It’s really scary when you realize Kim Kardashian is the smart one in that relationship.
I think he asked for her blessing to write a lyric saying he should collect on having sex with Taylor Swift for making her famous.
Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.