“Doth I read an article making mild jest of a known and rather amusing quirk of a head coach? Well then I must retort with a deflection toward a completely unrelated subject regarding a completely unrelated team. O, how pithy mine wit be!”
When Marvel revealed that Daredevil would be getting a sidekick in his new comic-book series, it seemed like that’d…
“...did several cusses at each other...”
Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.
Jake from State Farm is kind of pissed.
Found on ebay:
2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.
It's possible the aircraft did receive very real structural damage but didn't fail catastrophically
It went over it’s designed load limits. The airframe was compromised.
Umm... you guys know the cool thing to do would be to skip school, right?
That’s ridiculous, but why would you want to go listen to Greg Hardy speak anyway?
Hey man, great job. You totally called that.
Nah son
Welp. fantasy sports players are requesting selfies with @darrenrovell.
I love how they’re charging you 60 dollars for a gutted game with less content than the previous 2 entries, features removed or dumbed down into nothing, 12 maps which many are relegated to specific modes(have fun playing walker assault on like 2 maps) and THEN want to sell a 50 dollar season pass with some of said…
Do you know if it’s possible to have a bunch of friends play on the same side against bots in Conquest? My friends and I did all kinds of crazy stuff on the old games.
Women from the start of comic books up until a few years ago: “Ugh, almost every single hero is male”.
“What do the 2-6 49ers have to lose?”
7ignals from the 7idelines comin.