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However, the numbers from the masochist demo were exceptional.

“Yeah, see, here’s your problem: these teams fucking suck.”

Apologies for the screenshot, but this needed to be shared.

I can see having a uniform policy for certain reasons...but are words on eye black *really* that much of a distraction on the field?

Fell down seven times, got up, ate.

Fortunately, only 3 people were injured during the aftershocks.

if there’s ever a time of year for guys like Hirschbeck to have a bit thicker skin than usual, it’s now.

I still can’t see Chris Connelly as anyone but “that guy on MTV.”

This is the best one I’ve seen this morning.

I am happy for two reasons.

Too bad the Dodgers didn’t win. Mattingly would have let that fan get to third base.

And the winner will face either the Royals or the Blue Jays.

Murphy’s accomplishments aside, can we please take a moment to embrace the batshit craziness of the following statement:

Do not throw a beer can

Seriously though, who brings a baby to a game?

I will not stand for those who are already pre-emptively expressing disgust for Cubs fans and their newfound success. Success eventually gets annoying for every successful team, particularly those in large markets. And I hate when people say “Cubbies,” and I know Wrigley has always been filled with a lot of people who

“I think the most important thing here is to make sure it’s clear that we are not tone deaf and we’re aware of a renewed focus on certain issues.”

Instead, please enjoy this rerun of Floyd Mayweather All Access

Why would you risk having your ace get tossed for plunking him? Much less putting someone on base in the playoffs.