You’re much more nuanced than I was in my comment. +1
You’re much more nuanced than I was in my comment. +1
“Fuck Joe Manchin. So much so that I think Democrats in WV should kick his ass out of office. Let the fucking Republican win, how much worse can he really be?”
Seems this would be perfect to slap an electric power train (still no hood) and batteries (replace gas port) into and then done. You know a practical electric coupe. You could even make it a coupe hatchback with a much more room do you need than that?
That’s why he shouldn’t have that much money to begin with. A heavy tax on anything above a million a year would probably help with this issue in the future.
I have read two articles about this now, and one thing keeps troubling me: it’s no longer the “white man’s burden” but the “rich man’s burden.”
Yeah...that’s enough internet/life for today. Time to start drinking.
Just to show what Merritt is referring to here when he says that Botham’s door (and all of the apartment doors) close automatically and couldn’t have been ‘ajar’. Also, it’s not pictured here, but each apartment in this building has the apt # shown clearly in bright white lights just to the left of the door, you…
Criticism of the State of Israel = Anti-Semitism
There is money, FU money, and then “I can actually afford to drive my LaFerrari” money. I guess this guy is just stuck at the FU money level.
A Portrait of the Artist
As far as weight, I’d guess the hitch only added about 25 to 30 pounds; if that bothers you, go on a diet and lose that same amount of weight, and you’ll be back to where you started.
I like the shot of the smudgy controller glass. That’s real.
That’s some weird flap on a flap on a flap that doesn’t make visual sense. Like Ted Cruz’s jawline, except on a car.
Article idea: do an explainer on Porsche and BMW chassis codes. Porsche’s numbers jump around (964, 993, 996, 997, backwards to 991, 992) and BMW’s jumped forward by leaps and bounds (decades of Exx, then to F and G in just a few gens).
Mitch, please, heed this advice, for the love of God. Be sensible and boring and don’t get ahead of yourself, though I know just how hard that is at 26 and after life throws some shitty curves at you. Just put your head down, focus, and worry about this again in a few years when you’ve made it.
When I was a kid all I wanted was to be a fighter pilot. An old guy down the street had been a fighter pilot and we talked about planes constantly. One day I told him I wanted to be a pilot. He flicked my glasses and said “never going to happen.” Stupid terrible eye sight destroyed my dreams.