
After cheerfully flashing a white power hand gesture with Sputnik reporter Cassandra Fairbanks at the briefing room podium last week

Was Jason Torchinsky attending this dinner?

Grey haired Matt LeBlanc just weirds me out too much.

I enjoyed this season a lot more than last season and actually preferred it to the Grand Tour.

Haven’t we had this conversation before?

And then someone will get tired of all the time it takes, and create a macro that does it all based on RPMs and speed.

I consider the effect of many MIRVs on a small area when thinking of my end-times scenarios.

Scientology is super extremely not for me, but a quip (I forget whose) comes to mind on the difference between whackadoodle cults and mainstream religions: “In a cult, there’s one guy at the top who knows it’s all bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.”

Think about the fact about all that sea trade that will be going on. A massive amount of trade goods are shipped by sea. Some 90%. They can only dock, load and unload at ports. Those ports will be unusable before too long.

Holy shit what is with the sudden influx of commenters saying “well, climate change can be good too!”


A few years back, ‘06 actually, I called this chick over. I’d met her a few months prior and flirted with her some on MySpace. So she comes over, we chill for a while and then get with the sexing. She happened to be good friends with another female platonic friend of mine. This is important.

Kids these days don’t know what it’s like to have to work for it. THAT WAS OUR PORN UP THERE, MILLENNIALS

Such horseshit. You have to stand up for yourself when another person is being unreasonable; most especially if it is your spouse.


Chappelle’s Show spoof of the street interviews is 100 times better than any actual episode of Real Sex.

That’s what made it so real. This is your future, kids.

I know this because when I meet Deadspin readers in real life, they’re like, “Your voice shouldn’t sound like that,” or “I thought you would have a beard.”

Huh I thought we were finally over being shitty to Anne Hathaway