
I'm pretty with you until the stone part. Why do you guys still keep that? Why not kilograms?

But she's cute and empathic!

"Now it says here you control magnetism…mm hmm…what would you say is your worst habit?"

Sir, I keep telling you, that was the Italian Parliament.

November? I barely knew 'er!

(smacking my lips)

Please see my YouTube channel for a lengthy, detailed, in-depth explanation of what the ending of Caddyshack meant.

The perception that most people go out of their homes on Friday night, to eat, drink, see movies, or bowl.

Judging by how well they've interconnected through now, in another entirely different universal timeline.

We're going to find out that Jess was all just in their imaginations, right?

"You just got Rhonda'd!"

Wakanda vacation plans are that?!?

A 300/Black Panther spin-off?

A couple corrections to that: Black Panther was Marvel's first black superhero (although Luke Cage, Power Man was the first at Marvel to headline his own comic book).

And one for numismatics called CoinCoin?

That'll take them down a peg.

I told you, I'm sorry; it happened that once and it wasn't a usual thing.

Maybe it's Sam Tyler.

In that he is made of charged iron ore?