
It was the prime case of “You had one job!” That job: explain to us why the heck a Suicide Squad should exist. Just kinda blew past that* in favor of more on-the-nose Classic Rock music cues.

Because the narrative of why TLJ is a bad film is rarely about the acting or the script and more about SJWs and “killing of childhoods”

Made it so all his debit and credit cards were declined.

Thanks for paraphrasing the article for us as though it’s some kind of hot take. “Did anyone really expect Warner Bros to put a warts and all commentary or documentary onto the Blu-ray?”

I still think the biggest tragedy of Justice League was the Flash’s costume. I mean come on, guys, how do you let the CW beat your billion dollar budget?

He was born to be wild.

It’s too bad this guy wasn’t alive today to see Wisconsin.

Their supplements got rid of 100% of the dongs in my liver. Miracle products!

My gigantic dong and flouride-free liver beg to differ.

after the title card that read “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast”, I was hoping for another one that said “(it’s Disney, btw)“

“From the...” “The studio....””But First...” “We Must..” “Consider Many..many things..” “Like the wind..” “Blowing fro the west..” “at 5...”

The AV Club:

Same. I was about to “rip into this horseshit”, and then Pooh showed up and now I’m dabbing my eyes and what the fuck is wrong with me???

Then people would be at risk of seeing an episode of the Apprentice.

Word out in Hollywood is the Oceans 11 style mixed animation sequel is in the works as well. George Clooney and Hugh Jackman already on board with Dave Grohl to do the soundtrack. Working title: EWE, CLOO, HUGH, FOO, POOH AND SCOOBY DOO TOO

They need to Rastafy Pooh by 10% or so.

Whenever Pooh is not in a scene, all the other characters should ask, “Where’s Pooh?”

Right in the goddamned feels.

I miss the oversized triangular boobs. 

Basically the root of all problems.