
They don’t have to invite Trump or any politicians because Harry is not the heir and is 5th soon to be 6th in line. However if the Obamas are invited and Trump is not, it will be hilarious.

I am pretty sure that because he’s the 2nd son, it wouldn’t even be a breach of protocol.

omg the Obamas at a Royal Wedding™ I would just die of happiness seeing Michelle in a fabulous fascinator.

Ha ha. They’ll for sure invite the Obamas, though. Hilarious and delicious shade!

If they have a huge royal wedding I hope they DON”T invite trump and he has a twitter tantrum about it and sulks for days, delicious!

That made me so happy I cried. Donnie’s a good egg.

He will never be Patrick Adams to me. He will always be Jesse Towing.

HURRY UP AND GET MARRIED, YOU CRAZY KIDS!!! I need a royal wedding to look forward to in this horrible world! Won’t you people think of ME and MY needs?!

“You wanna quit the show? Fine. Suit yourself.”

Fitting that the worst kind of Becky is a male Becky.

Unless you’re Sean Hannity, in which case you look at your fifteen-year-old daughter and say, “Yeah, I’d let Roy Moore hit that.”

Is he a father of daughters or was he at the time? I understand that — in spite of the evidence of all of human history — fathering daughters turns dudes into Aware Feminist Gentlemen.

Where did you find his first draft? I thought he deleted it.

Even if you take this apology as the truth (which I don’t), this means Dave Becky felt comfortable dismissing TWO women’s accounts of CK masturbating in front of them. How many need to go through this for him to believe it? They literally were there together, so hard to believe they would BOTH agree to lie about it.

I hate this guy’s apology more than anyone else’s. He did everything he could to make sure that people didn’t hear about this incident, and now he plays innocent because he hadn’t heard about other incidents. That’s like a rhino poacher releasing a statement wondering why rhinos are going extinct.

I’m sorry I got caught covering up for C.K. sexually assaulting multiple women. I feel really bad for myself-Becky

They’re not shocked. They’re trying to gaslight.

That might be the most sickening apology yet. “Okay, I stepped in and told those women to shut up or their careers would be destroyed. But I hadn’t heard about other incidents!”

It feels hollow when people apologize for covering up assaults or crimes in general. Covering things up requires knowledge of the act and he did it for years. He’s not sorry he covered it up, he’s sorry he got caught up in this mess for being complicit in it.

Why are men so shocked at other men’s gross behavior? Men are unguarded around their own and they certainly say some horrible shit out loud.