I hear that. This is how I feel about Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords. Also John Kerry.
I need to know “how rich is TOO rich.” (Then I need to retrieve my eyeballs from my angry housekeeper who pocketed them when they rolled out of my sockets and under the antique credenza.)
I’m laughing so hard, this is peak Jewish guilt! Love it.
She was amazing on House of Cards, though. She really elevated the character from “disposable prostitute” and gave it a lot of depth and humanity. [Very old HoC spoiler alert] I was so devastated by the whole “I’ll let you go...wait no I’m actually gonna kill you” scene with Doug, I had to stop watching the show .…
Echoing other people that The Blind Assassin and Oryx and Crake are wonderful. The Handmaid’s Tale is one of my favorite books ever. I thought Alias Grace was just ok, and I hated Life Before Man.
Is the incorrect and misleading headline intentional? El Al could never FORCE anyone to move. They could ASK, as the first sentence in the article says. Now they can no longer ask.
Fyre Festival will take it for 2018.
Is calling him “Ed Sheehan” an example of brilliant shade, though? Because I’m enjoying it.
Do posh British weddings not have regular (adult) bridesmaids? Or they do, and they’re just called something else?
I’m still so confused, but thank you! I was genuinely curious, despite not knowing who most of these people are.
Joshua in Hebrew is Yehoshua. Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshu. Totally different names. Tons of Jewish parents give their kids the name Yehoshua/Joshua, it has nothing to do with Jesus.
Um, spoiler alert?
Not in the U.S. Conceiving at 35 and over is “advanced maternal age.” 40 and over is “geriatric pregnancy.” I’m over 30 and pregnant with my first. I am definitely not considered AMA.
I initially thought it was a monkey jumping in the air, but I think it’s actually an animal that they killed and strung up. (Presumably for eating.)