
I feel bad for her. She’s not a good actress but she was never allowed time in her youth to develop any other skills or interests or education that she could as a springboard to something else to support herself. She is basically Sarah Lynn and Sarah Lynn was never going to get to be an architect.

She’s working as a “Yacht Girl” - ie goes on yachting trips with rich men who remember Mean Girls, for money.

Rumors are she’s a high end escort for someone.

Well, I have never been to the moon, so the moon landing was faked.

He’s a Famous Man. He wanted to grab breasts. He can have what he wants because he’s a Man and Famous. The president said so.

It’s the same as cat calling, leering, invading our personal space - men do it to remind women that our bodies aren’t our own and that we are always being observed as sexual objects when we’re around them.

Now playing

Re: Ben Affleck - A Jezzie posted a link to this video where he’s groping the interviewer a while ago, and I have never forgotten it. All there for the world to see. The quality of this video sucks, so feel free to reply with a link to a better version if you find one.

It’s right up there with “it’s snowing outside right now so climate change obviously isn’t real.”

She really just wanted to get her name in the headlines with all the big players- Goop, Angelina, etc.

I love your hatred for her. I can kind of only shake my head usually but the whole “she was asking for it” defense people espouse needs to fucking stop already. It took me a decade before I started to believe what happened to me was actually not my fault.


I can’t fathom why any man would think it ok to just reach out and grab some boobs. Is it supposed to be funny? A power play? No rational person could possibly think “Hey, if I grab her tits maybe she’ll fuck me”. So what is it, then?

Poor Lindsay, this girl needs help.

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

I will probably watch The Mountain Between Us, since Idris, but...I feel like what the film-makers should have really done was take all these ‘crashed with an enemy that we have to collaborate with to survive’ and just...mash them together.

Bullshit. When Trump supporters like my own father look people straight in the eye and tell them its their problem if they can’t afford health insurance and end up dying (like my dad did to my cancer-survivor husband) they can fuck right off. I’m sick of this “BE NICE TO THEM OR YOU’LL GET MORE TRUMP!” Why be nice?

Maybe not sign a lease, but I think it’s important to have a place to stay lined up, even if it’s sleeping on a friend’s couch for a week or two while finding someplace to live. It’s not fair to your partner to break up with them and then force them to share their space with you.

No way, the advice is sound. If the other person is hurt, they’re going to be obsessively speculating over how long you’d been mulling the break-up anyway. Having a place lined up is the best possible insurance against a bad situation developing, and is more than worth the possible marginal discomfort to the dumpee.

yeah that seems like a sure why to have a bad break up and end on bad terms I was also shocked by that recommendation. this woman was very clear that this is her first serious relationship, and what she needs to do is put her big girl panties on and sit down and have a respectful convo with this person she has known

Is there anything worse than finding out someone you know and like is a full bore trump supporter? Because outside of finding out they’re a murder or rapist I can’t think of anything that terrible.