
Her popularity was never talent based. She’s just likable and fun to watch, and can afford top dollar pop songwriters. Best not to overthink it!

On the flip side, people were hyercritical when Whitney stopped being able to reach those high notes (I think her voice was quite rich to the end so I won’t say she lost her voice.) And are critical of Mariah now for her lessening range.

I think it’s more appropriate to provide a reason for your gap in employment on the application or cover letter rather than list it as a professional job on your resume. You don’t have to go into detail or reveal who you were caring for. I think a simple “Left the workforce to care for ill family member full time” is

52 weeks. hahahaha! The “best” US employers offer 3 months paid. THat’s like, “holy smokes, i can’t believe your employer offers that! That’s amazing!” kind of maternity plan. Most large employers offer you 3 months unpaid. Most small employers don’t offer you anything.

I remember reading about this on Ask A Manager several weeks back and the general consensus was ‘nope.’

Looking to hire someone, I have to admit, my eyes would glaze over and I would move on to the next candidate. It makes it seem... militant? As though someone is sticking it there as a provocative statement. Like saying, “yeah I took a break, come at me bro!” and would leave me thinking the person is just going to be a

Although being a SAHM is a difficult job, if I was hiring and someone put all that stuff on a resume, I would give it serious side eye. All parents have to deal with the kinds of things you describe, not just those who stay at home.

And yet, you manage to sound like a YouTube bully.

When people smile with chewed up gum in their mouth it is all I can see. It takes a nice photo and makes it gross. She might as well have a spider crawling out of her maw.

I don’t want to sound like an internet asshole, but I’m surprised Britney is still a thing. She was never a Whitney or a Beyonce. She can dance and she’s a decent performer, but there are a lot of very talented women in pop music today who can actually sing and dance their asses off.

tl;dr: unless your workplace has good family leave policies, you usually aren’t coming back to the same place. Most US workplaces don’t.

Unclogging a toilet doesn’t make you an “amateur plumber” anymore than watching a YouTube video does. Putting bandaids on a cut doesn’t make you a “battlefield medic.” Making three meals a day for one person doesn’t make you a “chef.”

Reminds me of Kanye saying Tyga was ‘smart’ for getting in young with Kylie. Gross. Also that her family condoned it.

At a minimum I’d word it a bit more professionally than ‘Pregnancy Pause’. Also - I’d expect most people would be returning to their same place of employment so why bother? I never put months on a resume or LinkedIn profile so a 12 month absence wouldn’t be obvious in any case. 

i have a serious question - if this is all indeed true, why is Beyonce hailed as a queen and the embodiment of female empowerment? i dont know much of anything about her, so this is a true question, not a trolling attempt.

Your last paragraph ignores the fact that there are many, many people who manage to parent while working full time. If your “gold” resume lands in front of one of them, you’ll be laughed at heartily while being denied interviews.

I would absolutely explain it or say that you stayed home with a baby but the term Pregnancy Pause sounds dumb and unprofessional.

I was mad that you didn’t celebrate my seventh work anniversary. Thanks a lot.

I’m sure he’ll land on a soft spot somewhere making more money than most of us ever will. Keep on leaning into your failure, white dudes!