
I always think he speaks the way my son used to write in 2nd or 3rd grade. “What I did on my summer vacation. On my summer vacation I went to the beach. My dad splashed my mom and she got mad. It was so funny! Then we had ice cream. It was the best day ever. That was what I did on my summer vacation.”

As usual, The New Yorker gets it right:

Personally I’m not buying the dementia explanation. There’s so much proof that this is basically how acts for years. I think the only real difference is he’s in way over his head and can’t handle it.

I was coming here to say this very thing. He’s never been in on the joke. He may have once been better at pretending he was, but a man who has John Barron as an alter-ego is not someone who has a normal relationship with reality.

They were good friends with him when he was making his racist birther attacks on the President and claiming he was too stupid to go to Harvard. Sorry but the more I think about it the more I find them full of shit on that. They didn’t seem to mind it much back then apparently.

Yeah but five years ago was when Trump was going on his racist birther shit. Were they living under a rock then?

This is pretty normal though. There’s always that group of friends with the one friend who is a total asshole. But like, he’s nice to his group of friends. And they never see the vitriol and they pooh-pooh all the people who call their friend an asshole.

I feel like what they mean when the say that is that previously he knew who his enemies were...he went after Rosie O’Donnell like a goddamn pit bull, but hadn’t turned on people closer to him yet at that point.

Yeah, reading this it felt like they were making a lot of excuses for him but this dumpster fire of semi-sentient being has always been a raging lunatic. Have these two not been paying attention to his other tweets or the video evidence of years ago? This hasn’t just been the past two years.

It’s the Republican “everything he did was fine until he came for me and mine” logic.

He’s always been a nasty, petty asshole, but he basically runs a small business with a lot of revenue. He’s like the small town McDonalds franchisee who drives a Porsche and treats everyone like they’re beneath him because he can yell at his dozen or so employees, but suddenly he’s given real power and is completely

Well, they have a vested interest in acting like he’s suddenly gone nuts. They were great friends of his until very recently.

They’re probably on par with the amount of things he claims people do “like a dog.” He has a couple of weird psychological hang ups, and he doesn’t mind showing his big dumb ass about them.

Why do I get the feeling that this is largely based on Trump hitting on Mika repeatedly years ago and being turned down?

The only think I find hard to believe is that the Donald Trump they claim they knew for 10 or so years was not the current guy.

Just remember, folks, Trump was always like this. The White House put a magnifying glass on his behavior, but this is who he has always been. During the campaign, he showed us exactly who he was yet 63 million people voted for him anyway.

He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no!

“We knew he was toxic towards women, but now he’s toxic towards OUR women!”

Can someone please compile all of the statements he has made about women bleeding? I am noticing a very disturbing pattern that has to have some kind of psychological explanation.