
“Separate rooms for toilet and shower? Deal breaker!”

I can’t stand the annoying expats though who say that they want to be immersed in the culture and live like the locals and then bitch and moan about lack of US amenities (“This beautiful view of downtown upsets me because me balcony won’t fit my grill.” “Where’s my side-by-side refrigerator?!” “Separate rooms for

My partner and I actually just filmed house hunters international episode! we got $1500, and are a little under-employed, so I think it was worth it.

Ooh, what if I dragged out one of my friends who occasionally reminds me that (at age 37) I might still change my mind about having kids one day? That might make for a good episode combined with a selection of kid unfriendly homes.

I was just gonna say it’s not the $500 it’s the EXPOSURE. Some higher up at HGTV is totally gonna see my episode and be like YES SHES PERFECT GIVE HER A SHOW and next thing you know me and hubz are the next Chip & Joanna raking in the millions!

My cousin was on House Hunters. Young single woman shopping for a condo in Chicago with her mom. She spent an excessive amount of time talking about a wooden giraffe.

I would live in one by myself, even our 850 sq ft one-bedroom feels small with two people, a dog and a cat.

“Are you living in Hawaii and thinking about living in a yurt?”
I wasn’t, but... now I kind of am???????

You don’t need a spouse, just a friend who for some reason you must consider/listen to his/her advice especially when it comes to style even though he/she will not be living with you! Its ok if you don’t like open floor plans, your friend just has to love open floor plans and you both need to take your hate/love for

I keep thinking when I watch these shows “they have these things called apartments.”

My favorite is when the tiny house hunter couples complain about how each house is too small. But they will settle and make it work.

Jesus, THAT’S IT?!? Are people in America really that thirsty for fame (yes)???

A $500 gift card for a week of your time and having your neighbors think that you really meant it when you fussed about not having his and hers sinks? It sounds like this is only a good deal for people who’ve always dreamed of being on TV.

The extremes they take things to confuse me. I can totally understand the appeal of a small two bedroom home, and many couples or single people will be happy in a one bedroom. Living in 200 square feet with a family of four sounds like hell, especially in suburban or exurban areas where there’s not much to do outside

I’m sure there are a lot of people who have been in this situation, but when my spouse and I were in the process of closing on our condo our realtor approached us about doing the show. Producers had reached out to him, and since we bought in a hip neighborhood, he wanted to feature us.

As a matter of fact, I am considering buying a home in Montana. But I’m a relatively normal person with no spouse to disagree with, have no interest in living in either a tiny house or a yurt, and don’t even like open floor plans or barn doors. I suspect that means I’m right out.

Yes. He had ZERO chance of surviving. NONE.

This is really stupid of both of them. I don’t get how they thought a book would stop a bullet.


I don’t think people grasp how HUGE a Desert Eagle .50 cal pistol is and the size of the bullet.