
Yes that is usually what happens when you’re pregnant with twins, though occasionally they’ll eat their way out of the mother and declare war on humanity as well.

One of the benefits of a constitutional monarchy is having an almost apolitical focus for patriotism which is difficult for an itinerant politician to hijack. Think of how Comey’s FBI oath was of loyalty to the Constitution, rather than to a person. The UK has no formal constitution so we use a figurehead (whichever

Um...scuse’s Cap’n Crunch.

Yeah, I mean, America has it so much better being modern and all.

Sure, that seems like a good idea now, but what will you do when the crops die in the field and the rain doesn’t come and someone needs to be sacrificed to the gods, eh? Volunteers?

Sounds like someone locked their knees.

And then when disaster strikes, as it did this week, we’d only have venal politicians as our state figureheads.

It would still be faster to just chop their heads off like France. I don’t know why England keeps ignoring my suggestion.

Well to be fair, if your daddy came to events dressed as Captain Crunch, you’d think everything was a circus too.

“the book?”

I’m going to have to disagree here:

I am old enough to have had several long term jobs during my “career.” Out of the half dozen, the two worst, I mean fucking awful, were the husband and wife run companies. No predictable work flow, no structure, absolutely no avenues for feedback. On the phone wrapping up a multi thousand dollar deal and wifey comes

It is almost always a fucking mess. If a family owned and run biz has a family member in HR (or no HR at all), run. Far.

This chick is messy as hell. That said, I recently left a job where the owners were a husband and wife team, he was the president, she was the HR manager, and it was dysfunctional as hell, so I do sort of feel her on that one thing and that one thing only.

TO CLARIFY because this is understandably confusing people: Alina’s claim isn’t that she decided to not work, but that she didn’t want to be physically in the office all day, which is what Emily allegedly preferred. Her attitude is “if I get my work done, who cares where it happens” because bloggers can blog from

This is a pretty huge case of Team Nobody, I’d say.

Just proof that unpaid overtime of any kind is wage theft. Stop believing the lie that salary carries with the implicit need to work whatever hours are necessary.

tl;dr. Lost me at the beginning with “hashtag” written out. Lost me for good when she wrote “retarded”.

She works for an Internet blog, not a brick-and-mortar blog.