
My top career result on those quizzes was always TAXIDERMIST.

I’m 31, am I wrong in thinking you’re a smidge younger? I grew up in an oil family and saw how stressed my parents were in the late 80s/early 90s when business was booming but layoffs were too.

I’m just trying to match her “extreme personality,” whatever the fuck that means.

What if you don’t have a dick

I’ve done HR work before. I’ve sat amongst (a very small slice of) the people who make the hiring and firing decisions and I’ll tell you this. If two people apply for a job, have the same experience, same background, same education, etc., but one quit all their jobs and one got fired once, the quitter is getting the

You’re fired!

That part made me cross my eyes HARD! What the fuck? In what world is getting fired a good thing? To brag about? SMDH.

Also, no, you don’t NEED to get fired from a job nor should you. It may not negatively impact your future, especially if it was one time and a shit job early on in life, and sometimes it happens because of shit you can’t control, but the idea that it gives you “cred” or “experience” is fucking dumb.

I want to know how she went from retail/waitressing to journalism. If you’ve spent years in the service industry, it’s hard to make the jump unless you go back to school. Lots of hiring managers who look at resumes toss the ones that list retail experience.

Your comment is not nice, but it made me laugh.

Wow! Spittle, rouge, AND over-sharing! What a quirky, weird person! Gosh! Just so weird! So weird, right?! Super-weird!

Seconding the recommendation of Ask A Manager! Her advice is kind and sensible and straightforward. It was one of my prouder moments in life to be the one who sent my mom her posts when mom was nervous about negotiating for salary at her current job.

Interesting, but I don’t like the idea that all career advice is bad and tells us to just put on a blazer and pretend we went to Harvard. There’s plenty of fantastic advice out there that is nothing like what is described above. I guess you are advising that we should just ignore all of the career advice articles on

It was a result of criticizing one of the authors. Been grey since December womp womp

It says something about us as a people that we seem to be holding a bubblegum pop artist to a higher standard of behavior and sensitivity that we do the president.

Agreed. Her current decline is from that haircut. She Felicity’ed herself.

She’s trying to do exactly what Miley did. You can tell by the hair.

“You’re ‘bout as cute as / An old coupon expired”

“They want you to stand for something, but once you do, and if you don’t do it perfectly, they’re ready to take you right down.”

The race to be “woke” can be owed to the fact that everybody is trying to sell something, whether it’s their best selves to a social group or albums to impressionable people. When going for wistful costumes, hints at lesbianism didn’t work for Perry/Cyrus/et al they went for the socially aware, edgy look, and now