
Agreed that nonplussed and bemused are lost forever, but I hold out hope for penultimate. A second to last hope, if you will.

Goddamnit! Don’t diminish the effects that my plaid allergy has on my life!

Yeah, that’s like saying, “I’m allergic to gluten. Except for bow-tie pasta.”

I wish people would just own being childish/picky eaters instead of acting like their preferences have any basis in some kind of medical diagnosis.

Agreed. Chicken? I highly doubt that. Also, how is she allergic to ALL flowers except orchids?

I have real, debilitating allergic reactions and her list makes me seethe with rage. People have gotten awfully comfortable with using the word “allergy” to scare other people into submission. I’m fucking sick of it. I would give anything to eat a pastry without having to ask first if there are nuts in it. WOULD LOVE

Don’t white dudes love Silicon Valley?

Allergies? No, I don’t think so.

There was a link to something about TJ Miller, so you should be okay.

Only in relation to her Twitter feud with basket case Susan Sarandon.

I was coming here to say this. That’s like saying, “I’m allergic to knits.”

I made this comment elsewhere. When Trump starts a war and famine arrives, Messing will knock her mom out for a can of beans. Those “allergies” are bogus.

Yeah, gabardine refers to the weave of the fabric, not the fiber content. It’s literally an impossible thing to be allergic to.

Ok, so she can eat beef. And fish that is not white fish. Salads, as long as there are no beans or broccoli in them.

Also, not all allergies are fatal. I mean, I have pollen allergies but I can be around flowers. If I’m around too many at certain times of the year, my eyes will itch and I might sneeze. But otherwise, it’s good. I would never go around saying “I’m allergic to ALL flowers”

Also, I’m lactose intolerant and in most

I am trying to figure out what she actually eats...

You guys need to cater your celebrity gossip pieces more to my demographic. I don’t want to have to google who these people to understand what’s going on.

Everything I know about Disick comes from Dirt Bag and even I know he parties too hard. This should not have been a breaking news alert.

kicked Disick to the curb (where he summers, winters, springs, and falls)

Turns out I’m allergic to Debra Messing.