

I’m so glad someone else said it first. Poor child looks like a middle-aged bald man, which is not always the look you want for your first national magazine cover.

i’m feeling mean and petty today so

I’m glad someone else said it first.

this babby is Not Cute. there. i said it.

I don’t care how mind numbingly stupid this movie looks, I want to see it.

Honestly I was impressed at how long he maintained his ‘serious but listening’ face before he pulled the eyeroll. Or maybe that’s just his resting bitch face.

As others have pointed out, men of all sexual orientations can be and are misogynistic. Exhibit A of gay misogyny is that Milo Y. creep. At least a gay misogynist isn’t going to say, “I can’t hate women; I do have sex with them/am married to one.”

You suggesting that Hillary Clinton and Kellyanne Conway are even in the same league just because they are women means you are not ready to have this conversation.


Janeway has the best eyerolls of any Starfleet captain.

Typically I’d agree with Conway here. Even if she were saying something meaningful, she’s much more likely to be dismissed with an eye roll than a male counterpart. However, she spouts nonsense and then gets upset because no one sane takes her seriously enough to show even a modicum of respect.

Even better is the tendency of right wing, white men to take on the mantle of “that’s sexist” when one of their own is called out, then to immediately whirl around to deny the existence of sexism.

Welp, I must be sexist too. Because every time Kellyanne opens her pie hole, I get a good look at my cerebral cortex.

Bingo! If reacting to a woman’s words in a way she doesn’t care for equals sexism, criticizing a gay man for rolling his eyes is homophobia. What’s good for the bug-eyed goose is good for the silver-haired gander.

Why is she a thing again? I thought Trump had her executed?

I love how right wing women weaponize sexism. Fuck them, they voted trump, they couldn’t give less of a shit about women who aren’t white and rich, and even then they’re disposable.

you can disappear from the airways again Kellyanne, I am fucking done with you.

Kellyanne, you accusing AC of sexism makes you a homophobe, so there!