
Wait, the real story here is that prom reveals are a thing now. Like seriously — you need the dress, the date, the ride, the noteworthy PROMPOSAL, and now... you also have to SHOCK AND AMAZE people with a stunt worthy of a viral video when you actually get to the prom, too? I must be extra old and crotchety or

Royal blue dress.

No real goth would ever go to prom.

Well for starters, let’s not conflate goth and cutting. I’m the oldest of four. I’m the only one who went full goth (all black and boots and industrial music and piercings and tattoos). My cutter sisters? Abercrombie athlete and arty lesbian.

1. The coffin lid was open

Awwww!!! I LOVE YOU KIDS SO MUCH!! I think it was Nick Cave who once said that goths were like cockroaches, because they never die, they just keep evolving into different unkillable new species. And I love that.

I don’t understand the mentality of people like this at all.

Unless your name is Donald Trump. Then you get to be President.

Fame seeking people: learn from Abby Lee Miller (and the Giudices). Do not go on tv saying you have lots of money, then tell the IRS you don’t. Tax collectors watch television too.

Speaking of that, I feel like all this Mama June from “not to hot” crap is building towards a reality show for Honey Boo Boo to get fit. That child is obese, they show her eating all kinds of bad shit, and I can’t help wondering if their just fattening her up for round two of reality money. I see that kid and I’m like

“Live and learn,”

He’s not half as tired of the justice system as the justice system is of him, I would wager.

And because rules are for other people, she doesn’t need to pay attention to them. Rules of the road, rules of probation, not her problem.

Maybe they’re a pair of prostitution whores. (Sorry, I don’t watch the show so if Im mixing redic venues I apologise.)

This reminds me of something I saw this week. Friend from high school just got out of rehab (to avoid jail) and re-entered the world of fb for the first time in ages. On one of her pictures a guy (also from high school) made some comment welcoming her back and in their chatting made a comment about how he couldn’t

yeah but she paid her “retribution,” so who fucking cares


I have a former friend/ former boss (never work for friends, even if it’s temporary) who turned out to be a big con artist. The thing is that he is truly narcissistic and dumb enough that he believes he does nothing wrong, no matter how many times he gets caught. He also ends up getting away with it, which further

Ok, I love you Kara, but as a federal criminal attorney, I just want to point out a couple of things that drive me nuts about this reporting. You repeatedly mention that she is on “probation” or “prohibition.” Prohibition is definitely not a thing, but probation is not correct either. She is currently on supervised

I might buy that she forgot to report one ticket in the required time frame, but two?