
I assume it was about how they work with celebs. Usually everything about those sponsored posts is dictated by the brand from the text to what time the celeb is supposed to post to the hashtags so it makes sense to involve the brand in the conversation.

The point of sending them to brands is so when those brands contract with other celebrities to promote their items in the future, they make sure the celebrities follow FTC regulations. The brands are just as culpable; they often write the full caption that appears beneath a post and send it to the celebrity to

I wonder if the letters to brands were aimed at letting them know that “influencers” they paid to post about them had to make it clear the post was an ad or sponsored.

they couldn’t reach her by mail.

Did Kushner & Kellyanne Conway get one too?

Apparently she does. Look, I don’t care that she has 3 kids by 2 different baby daddies by age 26. It’s her life and she can do whatever she chooses reproductively and more power to her. What galls me is that she runs around making a living off preaching what she very very obviously has never practiced - abstinence in

Right? I mean, sure he’s George Clooney and whatever, but every time I see them together I’m like, “...him?”

Yes, Abstinence Annie has three fucking kids by two different men, and two out of wed-lock. All while accepting shitloads of money to run around preaching abstinence to teenagers. She probably fucked right after she cashed each check.

26! (age not number of babies)

From. the pixels I was hoping for an obscene cake. Like that clothing campaign with the no clothes and the fucking, immortalized in cake. I’m off to drink more coffee and examine my life.

She’s going for some sort of travel by the sea theme

And on the bar on that cake is a smaller cake depicting a Casamigos where Randy is wearing a black shirt and George is wearing a white shirt.


Atlee Bay sounds like it should be the name of a Midwest airport store that sells luggage and pashminas.

It was. My mom had it made because she gets me.

Looks like it’s her way to say “you guys are two ugly drunks”.

I bet Bristol wants Atlee to be a successful atleete.

Eh. This cake got nothing on my last birthday cake, which featured a photo of my dog pooping into the sea. Suck it, Amal. I am better than you.*

Well I’ve never gotten a cake with Christian Slater and Anthony Bourdain on it.

Celebrities on their b-days are just like us: Already so toasted by the time the cake arrives that they probably shouldn’t be given a knife to cut it.