
No, you got it all wrong.


Testino, who clearly understands Jenner better than I do, suggested that her photo shoots may be less “sexual” because others regard her as a high-fashion model.

“I also love being transformed,” she said. 

It’s kind of a chicken and egg scenario: would these people always suck, or is it the fact that they were born into immeasurable wealth that makes them suck?

Piers practically owns himself.

We’re through the looking glass here, people.

Her Mom wishes

Can we collectively make a deal right now that this is peak Kendall Jenner? We all need to agree or it won’t work.

A girl who was seemingly conceived, incubated, hatched, trained, conditioned and indoctrinated to be an object of sexual desire as the sole purpose of her existence and her only contribution to society is saying that she doesn’t get to be objectified enough? Do I have the right read on this one?

Yeah my thighs would have started a fire in that thing for sure.

They do link to an article calling Dove soap trash in explicit terms. So if it’s sponcon Dove probably won’t pay up.

Nah, I’m not loving the dress itself. But that color is fantastic on her.

That is such a gorgeous colour. She looks stunning.

Wait, do you just mean the outside part, the vulva? You can wash that with gentle cleansers, absolutely. You can clean all up in the lips, no problem. But don’t put soap or anything like that inside of your actual vagina. You will get an infection, as I did when I accidentally got soap up there. Your vag doesn’t need

This is not sponsored content. Nope. No sponsored content here at all. Nada. Nope.

I mean, I wash my vulva with soap, but I don’t get it up inside my vag. It’s never given me any trouble to do it that way.

Your secret to smelling good is using the most mainstream of mid-range brands that 90% of the washing male population will be likely using?

I just want you filthy people to wash your legs. We’ll worry about scents at a later date.