
Yup, I wish I were joking but it really happened. I was 9 months pregnant and a co-worker who hadn’t seen me in a while sounded amazed as she said “oh my, look at you! You’re positively disfigured!” and then, after asking whether it was a boy or a girl and getting confirmation that it was a girl she just nodded and

You have some opinion on this, given your commitment to letting everyone know that the PR lady DIDNT TECHNICALLY SAY NO 😒

She’s overdressed and underdressed at the same time.

I should have been a spy. People I’ve met 15 times never remember meeting me, and the older I get the more invisible I am in any room.


Stars seem way overdue for both of them.

Apparently being a white female movie spy means long straight hair with long straight bangs? Is this in the rule book?

I look at pics of myself very pregnant and my whole face looks pregnant. Like, I could see pics of me from the shoulders up and know whether or not I’m pregnant in the picture. I’ve definitely seen all sorts of things on women ‘puff up’ because of pregnancy. So leave Beyonce alone!

Or the point she’s trying to make is that it’s nobody’s fucking business, and commenting on a pregnant person’s body in any way is rude as fuck. Confirming or denying rewards the behavior, refusing to engage with the speculation and just saying “This is inappropriate” is a much better method. If I were a celebrity I

If this were a court of law or a congressman, I might see your point. That someone doesn’t want to lie but they want to skirt the truth. HOWEVER...

And she is a gladiator dominatrix. Some corporate outings need a bit more discipline than others.

She looks good - but at the same time she looks like she won a fight with a Kardashian’s closet.

Pretty sure the comment about things being swollen while pregnant is in direct relation to, oh, idk, someone’s lips being bigger.

Yeah! It’s like you can’t even openly make a bitchy song about having bad blood with someone and then make an even less subtle video about it anymore without people assuming you have had blood with that person!

The best part of this picture is that everyone else looks like they are dressed for their corporate office’s fun outing day.

As someone who was called “disfigured” toward the end of my first pregnancy this is my reaction upon reading Yvette’s words:

Activated charcoal margaritas?? so it serves a double purpose or making you drunk and pumping your stomach.

Is this a baby you care about? Lemme know in the comments. Actually, don’t.

Has David Foster married and divorced the server yet?

My mind immediately went to David Foster Wallace and, given he’s dead, I thought there was some sort of zombie twist to this story.