
Someone brought the receipts! Also, great fucking point.

Someone called me Trump-like for saying that Caitlyn Jenner should have been prosecuted for the time she killed a woman.

But funny! Especially because he was hugely condescending about it. He “explained Google” to me. He included diagrams that were somehow supposed to explain how my comments about auto-suggest were “fake news.”

At this point we need some sort of Trump-focused Godwin’s law (how ironic is that?).

Oh, but how will she ever find the time to make that money, what with her grabbing a rifle and being on the front lines of this “revolution” she promises Trump will lead to, that was so much better than a boring incrementalist?

I’m flashing back to a guy I dated briefly who would try to “educate” me whenever we’d have a difference of opinion. When I told him, “Don’t you dare tell me what to think. I can form my own opinions!” He said the same thing Susan Sarandon did about not having information and being ignorant. No, you ass clown, I’m not

Sarandon v. Messing:

In fact, Sarandon probably stands to gain a great deal financially from Trump’s presidency.

Debra MEssing isn’t well informed?

Is Susan Sarandon even just tiniest bit of self aware? She reminds me of my grandmother who had a mood disorder. Any time she disagreed with you, you were an idiot and misinformed and she was clearly right. And is she trying to telling call Deborah a punk for not saying shit to her face? If she was so passionate about

Re: Susan: www dot ughhhhhh ugh ugh dot com forward slash shut up shut up.

Only if they bring back drunk Paula Abdul.

I would watch AI if they did an episode where 19-year-olds had to sing old novelty songs, like “The Monster Mash” and “YMCA” and “The Time Warp.” I’d like to see a 19-year-old try to make “Safety Dance” their own.

Yo dawg, listen up. I really liked your comment, but it was a bit pitchy.

AI died because it had a horrifically limited and stale repertoire to choose from, and routinely chose singers for reasons other than raw singing ability.


lol, thats trump level creepyness

Oh my god yes. I tried really hard to erase that from my memory.

Isn’t this also the part where they have kids and she comments that their unborn must like sex because it moves?

Is this the part where he purposefully “puts” hickeys all over her chest area so she can no longer wear bikinis to the beach? As a “punishment” for going topless for like, five minutes? How romantic, you guys. Let’s all swoon together!