
I really liked this one, too:

As an immigrant from a country that has been declared to have no free press I can’t stress this enough. The First Amendment IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA GRAEAT. Many of us came here consciously or not seeking the freedom to say wha we really thought. This country is still better than mine when it comes to freedom of speech

Yep. trump never thought past the election. Winning the popularity contest was his only goal.

Yep. trump never thought past the election. Winning the popularity contest was his only goal. He was clearly hoping that he could just make proclamations and his elves would take care of the rest. Thats why he keeps campaigning even to this day.

The best part is that Dump couldn’t just stay in the White House and pout or even haul ass down to Mar-A-LotsaTaxpayerMoney, he had to go hold a spite rally in Penn and force his toadies to cheer him until he re-bloated with false pride and vanity.

There’s a reason why conservatives rant about liberal snowflakes:

I love how our “toughest” president in history is such a wimp than he can’t even stand a correspondents dinner.

Minhaj made fun of Pence noting that the VP wasn’t there because some of the women in the room might be ovulating.

He wasn’t. Ugh clicked publish too soon. He joked that pence couldn’t make it because some women in the room were ovulating, so that was on them lol.

No, he was at the rally leading chants of ‘fake news.’ I wish “Face The Nation” and others would refuse to have him on their shows when he takes part in this fascistic nonsense.

If you can’t handle someone making a joke about you you probably shouldn’t be the leader of a democratic society.

Was Pence there, or were there too many non-wife women showing ankle for him to participate?

I’m assuming that most Netflix subscribers don’t even know how to use a torrent, and I say that as a Netflix subscriber who doesn’t know how to use a torrent.

I’ll wait till it’s out on Netflix and binge like any other person who can afford $10 a month on no-contract streaming services.

It’s already a thing on Facebook. The criminals catfish kids to give up compromising photos or webcam video then blackmail them for money. There was poor lad a in a town a few miles from me who got tricked like this. He was embarrassed and panicked and killed himself. He was 17.

OITNB without Piper and Alex sounds like an amazing show. Please somebody make this happen.

Also, I’m not sure what Netflix specifically did to piss off Mr. Ebony Raven Dementia Darkness Overlord here, but as far as this consumer is concerned Netflix is significantly less evil than my cable company. In order of most evil to least evil: Comcast, Hulu, Netflix. It’s irrelevant to me if OITNB is online

I am almost positive The Dark Overlord — snerk! — has said a version of this to a love interest, or 10.

Why couldn’t they be productive and just edit out any trace of the Alex Piper relationship? I mean I guess it’s fairly integral to the story but they just completely lack chemistry. It’s painful when they’re on screen together, like cheese grater to my penis painful.

Netflix regulars probably aren’t going to bother with torrenting it anyway.