
well you apparently disagree with a lot of people who actually work with victims of domestic violence about how domestic violence causes many women the world over to live in fear. plus my lived experience as a woman. violence against women IS political, and it is very much intended to cause fear and to limit women’s

The intensity of my reaction was overblown towards your fairly innocuous post, Matsiyahu. And I apologise for that. I know you as a kind and conscientious commenter. Just for some of us, it gets tiresome that, as women, we must live in a constant baseline of fear (and for some, terror) that is so normalised in this

except for how many male domestic abusers are misogynistic, and how many political terrorists are misogynists, too. they are often deeply intertwined. hatred of women and wanting women to feel afraid is part of their abuse. you don’t understand how misogyny feeds domestic violence, i guess. you should educate

I’m noting that every commenter who does not believe that this equates to terrorism is male. There is such little fundamental understanding of what it is to be a woman and thus under constant threat of violence, here.

I think it remarkably apt. Especially given that this man perpetrated his violence against one class of civilians: women. Imagine if someone went around abusing only Jews, Muslims or Armenians. What would we call them, then?

I and a lot of women feel afraid when I read about men doing this stuff to women. Shit like this is why I walk fast through parking lots and try to be nice even when a guy is behaving in a sexually aggressive way such as catcalling. This shit is scary. It can happen to any woman if she trusts the wrong man. It’s

they are trying to terrorise women and make them feel like they are owned by the men around them and are at the whim of their mercy. that is terrorism. they want us to be afraid to leave the men in our lives or disobey them.

The political aim is toxic hatred of women. And we’ve done enough soft selling of what amounts to extended torture and often hostage-taking and murder of women (and children), so often excused because she once slept with her torturer — or he wanted her to. It’s WORSE than random violence.

Diana Moskovitz wrote an amazing article on DV/CTE and somewhere in there was this quote about how these people may be mentally ill, but they still only target their intimate partners. Somehow they’re never “crazy enough” to kill their manager or coach or whatever.

Yeah, because so long as the women deserves it it isn’t our collective fault for doing jackshit about domestic violence, and it could never happen to someone good.

Right? Men with domestic violence records should not be able to get a gun.

This asshole had not one, but TWO restraining orders against him by exes. How much do you want to bet that these women were told by authorities that there was ‘nothing they could do’ to help them?

People don’t understand why women who are victims of violence don’t report the crimes, or even if they do, they don’t discuss it openly with family/friends as to how bad it is/was/could be. 

Has anyone noticed that some coverage is just, ugh cant find the words right now since my brain is foggy today, but for example, saying their was no evidence she had cheated, as though that would excuse this behavior by this evil turdmunching gobblespit?

Thank you for including the number! It’s rarely included in articles about domestic abuse but it needs to be everywhere.

Yep, a little to cheery for the subject.

And yet, so many of our esteemed lawmakers want to make it even easier for domestic abusers to access guns. My heart hurts for the Smith and Martinez families.

Not sure why the stock would go down. The gun worked as designed.

Noteworthy that the president never issued a “thoughts and prayers” statement about this tragedy.

Fucking Anderson.