
Right - I don’t want a guy pretending I am on his level just to get laid.

Exactly - I hate this argument. This is the kind of thing guys say - “women actually have all the power because if they want something done, they can just threaten to withhold sex!” - but motherfucker, power by proxy is not the same thing as power.

The only problem with the Lysistrata tactic is that it assumes sex is less important to women than men. That we can go without, while they simply cannot. It also says that men lack control, and I’d hate to support that mindset - no matter how apt.

It makes me slightly uncomfortable to define sex as a thing that can be “withheld” by one half: the corollary to that is that it’s therefore a “thing” that can also be taken.

You don’t think women like sex?

I don’t know. What does it prove? What would it change in the long run?

I get what she’s saying, but wouldn’t this be punishment for women as well?

Sex is my favorite stress reliever. I’ll give you my sex when you take it away from my cold, dead vagina.

As a person who has lived all their life in Latin America and thus almost every movie being subtitled in a movie theater, it’s INSANE to me that anybody can complain about it.

The captions really bother me. I find them very distracting. If I went to a movie in the theater and the captions were on, I might ask at the ticket window for a raincheck. But I’d totally understand it was MY issue, as a person who’s unreasonably annoyed by captions! Deaf and hard-of-hearing people should be able to

They don’t bother me - I actually prefer them. What does bother me is when shows and movies have piss-poor sound mixing where the music overwhelms the dialogue, that’s mainly what I use it for.

I’m with you. Who is the asshole complaining about CC for the deaf and hard of hearing?

I use the captions for British shows (lol) but my roommate doesn’t like that so it definitely bothers people. Still, people with disabilities should be accommodated and it’s only a minor annoyance to those people. I’m sure people would survive and still be able to enjoy the movie.

I love CC and now I’m kinda dependent on them.... It’s amazing how much easier it is to follow dialogue, especially in whisper shout movies.

I think you would have to be a real asshole to be annoyed in this situation. That being said, I have a habit of putting on captions at home and it really annoys my girlfriend.

I’m actually watching Netflix with the captions on right now. I can hear fine, but I find some movies have poor sound mixing/balance wherein the loud moments become overbearing when the dialogue is at an adequate volume. So I also leave them on all the time.

I find it incredibly distracting. I’m also not an asshole though so if someone deaf/hearing impaired needed it on I wouldn’t be upset, I’d just deal with it.

I have normal hearing but like to watch things with captions on in case the dialogue gets hard to follow.

I prefer to watch shows with closed captioning, but my husband finds it distracting.

Do captions really bother non-hearing impaired folks? I use captions all the time because I like to watch netflix on my phone while in th tub, Margot Tenebaum-style, and it echoes too much/annoys my boyfriend. Even when he’s not around and I have the volume up, I leave the captions set to ‘on’ because I’m lazy and I