
This x 1 million. I haaaaaaate finding some recipe which is in actuality just an excuse for the blogger to post some 10,000 word smug lead-in essay on twee activities they have done with the kids or updates on how their marathon training is going. Just shut up and take me to the spaghetti squash recipe I won’t even


Here is my essay on why we left New York:

Agreed! I think it’s a strange phenomenon too, because I know that for me, having lived there, it’s easy to see why someone would pay more to live there, if that was what they were into. Having grown up in Omaha, it was odd to realize that I had to switch my mentality to “Where is this concert coming that I can drive

I don’t know, I’ve run up a few times against a native attitude that outside of NYC and LA, there exists NOTHING in the rest of the country. I’ve heard that perception of Chicago as being “country” asserted from a native New Yorker more than once. It’s a bit weird.

The amount of people on this site who talk shit about those of us who live in New York as pretentious idiots who live in million dollar boxes and only live here to say we live here is VERY HIGH. It’s really weird. I don’t know why people can’t just say “I prefer the suburbs to the city” or “I like living in the

I love to cook and sure the idea of a food blog has come up a few times but then I just think MY GOD HOW MANY BLOGS DOES THE INTERNET NEED OF TWEE CUPCAKES AND CASSEROLES

You know what it is? It’s comforting. Everyone has exactly the same level of expertise on questions like “like NYC, or no?” “have more than one kid, or no?” so you can read it, feel smart for disagreeing with the author for your own good reasons, and sleep well at night (unlike reading real news, which is nightmare

I am 100000000000000% over thinkpieces, but the rate at which people read them and share them tells me that you and I are in the minority. Truly, I’m shocked at how many essays and blogs there are out there that cover the EXACT SAME TERRITORY that are none the less wildly popular.

I don’t know how anyone reads lifestyle blogs or mommy blogs or whatever. I read one of the linked articles and wanted to scream, I can’t stand that style of naval gazing “profound” thinkpiece gahhh. New York is expensive and crowded, groundbreaking stuff really.

Texas is a state dedicated to the proposition that a man’s belt buckle should be no smaller than a hubcap from a 1971 Cadillac Eldorado.

I love the dryness with which you set forth this information. Those essays are played out; they all read like self-justifying breakup letters to a demanding but rich/sexy/beautiful romantic partner.

It’s almost like America is a huge landmass with lots of different places and lots of regional cultures and some people like to live in some areas while others like to live in others. What a concept.

She’s from Folsom, a very affluent suburb of Sacramento. Her parents are rich. She was homeless for fun. Everything about her is bullshit.

Being a woman and also a boss is not enough, if you’re just as exploitative and terrible as any other boss.

No one in their right mind would tell a thrift shop owner that their stuff was underpriced if they wanted to repeat the feat again.

Agreed. She had a real talent for picking out clothes, and although some of her origin story strikes me as bullshit, I do think she grew a business from basically nothing based on that talent. But she treated employees like garbage and handed the company to a series of subsequent chief executives without her talent,

Absolutely. Also, you can afford to buy an apartment in a brownstone on the Upper East Side of New York City with the earnings from writing a weekly newspaper column.

Are we supposed to look up to a speculator who makes a living reselling clothes and not generating anything of value? Is wealth alone a measure of one’s validity and worth? Why is it admirable to con people out of money? Seems pretty cynical.

I don’t want to sound like a hater because I was really a fan of the brand from the beginning but it’s hard to see someone like Amoruso being hailed as a champion for #girlbosses when Nasty Gal faced multiple discrimination lawsuits from former (female) employees.