
How about an uplifting story of a man’s love for his daughter, his wife and narrowly avoiding the sex offender registry? Okay, if you insist.

A mother I knew suggested I treat my kiddos very very serious, like yearly hospitalizations now takes 3 daily medications serious asthma with unpasteurized honey. Honey. We didn’t do anymore playdates after that, I cannot abide stupid (and I doubt she vaccinated her kids). 

First time I heard the phrase “play date” I thought it meant dinner, movie, no sex.

That’s because I used to say, “I’m going over to Julie’s,” and then I walked over to Julie’s. If I were a kid right now, my mom would have to phone Julie’s mom and schedule something three weeks out, between flute and tennis, and my mom would take me the quarter of a block to Julie’s and not leave while I had a

I had a mom scream at me in the daycare parking lot because she wasn’t watching her kids and I was (while driving) and they ran behind her car almost in front of mine. She said I was driving like a lunatic - I said you weren’t watching your kids.

Remember one of the March Madenss questions was “making friends just by saying hi”?

We moved from the city to the burbs, and all my city friends are like single and not wanting to come out by us EVER.

My suburbs friends suck and I have finally taken the advice from the lovely people of Jezebel and left their biased, racist, pearl covered clutches.

So my husband and I are at square one and I feel bad

As someone with social anxiety who has never got in, I find myself re-living the awkwardness and despair of thinking I should connect with other parents but being shunned over and over again, or worse, being sucked into the drama of crazy parents. As my kids started in a different school I just decided to let go. I’ll

okay so now I need more moms’ horror stories about other parents. Please share.

I don’t remember my mom being friends with the parents of any of my friends, and it didn’t even occur to me that she should be. It’s hard enough to find friends without the added pressure of aligning social circles with your child.

I am 31 and its so damn hard to make fucking friends as an adult!!!!

Ugh - I can relate to this so much. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends, I was really looking forward to having a kid and making parent friends.

But daycare parents are rude as hell and NOT friendly.

I have made one friend, and we also take the train to work together. My husband always tries to initiate plans

How to break US law in three easy steps....

Along with the camp, there’s a certain amount of nostalgia. I remember watching this scandal unfold in real time with my mom.

I assure you, plenty do not care one whit.

I’m pretty sure that 99.99% of people are objectively not obsessed with this story.

Solid question - I’d say my favorite operating theory is that Chip is actually a genius. Also that they’re secretly funded by Big Clock.

I have liked them more or less from the beginning but you could not pay me enough money to be in a relationship with either of them:

I like her but I feel like Chloe Moretz has never totally lived up to her early immense potential as Jack’s nemisis on 30 Rock.

It was, and extra points to Emma Thompson for calling her “exquisite.”