
Virginia’s ahead of the curve on this one.

Good stuff:

This is what makes my blood boil - the fucking double standard being employed constantly. If Michelle and the girls had stayed in Chicago and needed round-the-clock, taxpayer-funded security, people would have demanded their heads. If President Obama had jetted off each weekend of his first months in office to hang

I probably will see what you did there, if we let the cultures grow for 24-48 hours.

Dump has been in office a month and a half and proportion-wise has already spent more time off golfing then Obama did in EIGHT YEARS.

Don’t be fooled by his “aw shucks”ness. He’s a dangerous zealot.

They were calling for her to be jailed for... wait, what was it again? Sending spam emails? Not looking sad enough about Benghazi? Something?

I’m not sure I’d give Pence the benefit of a three-digit IQ. He legislated funerals for fetuses in Indiana. He’s a polished, true-believin’, born-again dumbass.

This post is satire by humor writer Alexandra Petri

I thought that comment was ridiculous enough to be immediately recognized as sarcasm. I guess in the Trump era no argument is too dumb to be put forth on the Internet.

I like how Gov Lepetomane Pres Trump quotes the “failing” Washington Post when it suits his needs.

Why not? This whole administration is satire.

Yea, I’m sure the 10 year olds whose after-school food programs are getting cut will just go down to the coal mines and get a job. Or the elderly shut-ins who depend on Meals on Wheels will just drink the Elixir of Youth they’ve been holding onto and get right back out into the workforce.

Feeding the needy only destroys their incentive to do better.

Not YET. I think this is the first email I’ve received that doesn’t cite Brietbart, though. Most of them are opinion pieces.

Can we all ascape in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

On Friday, that newsletter enthusiastically cited a piece of satire.

Meh, as long as they’re not posting Stormfront articles, they’re exceeding my expectations.

That explains their “eat the children” plan for replacing Meals on Wheels...