
Male fragility is a truly amazing thing.

Because, you see, they’re not sexist. They just so happened to downvote literally anything with a woman in it. For other reasons.

Ugh, Goddamnit now I have to give this thing five stars. And for the rest of my life I’ll have suggestions based on supposedly liking the stand-up comedy of Amy Schumer. And some day I’ll be on the news because my cat rescued a burning child or something and they’ll dig this rating up to discredit me and my cat for

I think someone at Gizmodo pointed out that triggered GamerGaters intentionally downvoted movies and TV shows with female main characters? And a bunch of guys got triggered by it, pretty much proving the exact point the author was making.

I don’t like her and her shtick is old and boring but if she annoys Trump supporters I can get behind that tbh

Poor triggered right wing snowflakes. They need a safe space from comedy because it makes them sad face.

Well, we don’t need cars, for one. That’s a HUGE expense that can easily be taken off the table.

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

... and “onboard” as a verb.

I have been aware of Tavi’s existence for about three minutes and already I feel influenced.

Can we please retire the word “influencer”??? (And while we’re at it, “creative” as a noun?)

No doubt the FTC will come down like a hammer of justice on this.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.

Listen to the podcast and we will tell you.

Skloot is pretty honest in the book about the circumstances. She never plays the savior in the book. She’s interested in the story as a story but it becomes very personal as her research goes on. Deborah Lacks joins her to make sure she’s not hiding information and to make sure information she doesn’t want in doesn’t

Skloot wrote the book and is basically the reason why we even know who Henrietta Lacks was, she literally is the white saviour both in the story and real life.

In the book, she is absolutely presented as just the vehicle through which the family finds out about their mother/aunt/grandmother. She tries to help them, and definitely helps explain exactly what happened (Deborah, for instance, doesn’t quite grasp what a cell line is, or exactly how much of her mother it

She’s the one who wrote the book.

“Henrietta’s cells have been bought and sold by the billions, yet she remains virtually unknown, and her family cannot afford health insurance”. That quote is from a synopsis of a talk with Rebecca Skloot scheduled to take place in April. It’s a fucking punch in the gut.