
It’s been so long, I forgot about how much I miss Denise!

I loved the show, but I especially love the fact that Aziz’s irl Dad told him the only reason he agreed to be on the show was to spend more time with Aziz.

Denise was the breakout star of the first season, AFAIK. And I understood what Aziz was going for in terms of the journey of his character, but I found it so... wordy. As in “let’s explain everything the characters are thinking or feeling” instead of showing it. Will come back for S2 though.

Rachel was SUCH a boring character. Just bland and generically ‘sweet’ with no interesting aspects of her personality. I really hope they write a better and more interesting love interest for him, and go ahead and write Rachel out of it completely.

I have two friends who watch this show and recommend it highly saying “I cry every single episode” as if that’s a GOOD thing. Nope.

Considering IT IS STILL ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO ASSAULT ANYONE INSIDE this entire situation is a “solution” in search of a problem. I’m baffled that anyone who thinks that a rapist willing to ignore the already existing laws against rape and assault will somehow magically be repelled via forcefield from entering a women’s

This time last year the guy who plays Kevin was playing Adam Newman on The Young and the Restless, so yes.

What kind of weird stores do they have where you live where there are full-time bathroom monitors? Where I am, people just walk in.

Seriously, every comment I’ve ever seen about this show makes it sound like the last show on Earth I would want to watch. “IT WILL EMOTIONALLY WRECK YOU.” Why would I do that to myself??

If this show was written and broadcast exactly as you wrote it, I would watch.

The idea that this sex offender would have been deterred by a bathroom bill is terrifyingly misguided, if not willfully ignorant.

It reeks of the must protect the white women and children!bullshit that has always been a rallying cry for bigots everywhere. (Of course, the things women actually want to help protect themselves, like more focus on prosecuting rape and domestic violence, get ignored). Racist, misogynist assholes love using their

As a cis white male, I support this message. While many of us don’t have our heads up our asses, there are far too many of us that do.

This is the biggest flaw in the logic of these so-called “Bathroom Bills” and it reveals what the intended outcomes actually are. NO ONE believes that a sign on a bathroom door will stop someone who is determined to assault another person, not even the GOP lawmakers introducing these laws. They ONLY care about

The faulty logic behind stuff like this is telling. This campaign has always been about a lot more than “protecting women and children.” It’s clear from the subtext of the discussion that it’s also become a way for these groups to reassert their social norms and reassure each other that trans people are perverts.


Gary Steiner is cisgendered.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Spoiler alert: men assaulting women in the bathroom (anyone assaulting anyone in the bathroom) is already illegal. It has absolutely nothing to do with letting trans people use the bathrooms for their intended purpose (you know, like all humans need to).